Chapter 1

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I walked down the loud hallways of my first day back at Westmore High. A break with my family is what I really needed, but there's only so much of them I could handle at once in such a short amount of time.

The volume in the hallway increased as the American football team played pranks on one another, dropping their games for a mere moment as they all greeted me with rowdy 'Hi's' and some playful slaps on the back, and I returned the favor, giving a few girls from the cheerleading squad a smirk followed by a nod while they waved, and giggled once they had gained my attention.

"Hey Styles, you're back!" An old friend; Jake catches up, greeting me with a high five and, bringing me into a side hug. Jake was like the eyes and ears of the school; anything you needed to know, Jake could help.

"Ey man, how's everything been while I've been gone?" I shove my hands down my tight jean pockets, observing the students linger down corridors.

He shrugs, crossing his arms over his chest, leaning against the wall of lockers, "Everything's been the same; bit of trouble here and there like always, nothing new," he smirks and I chuckle, shaking my head; knowing that when he said trouble he ment himself. Typical Jake. "Oh, but there is a new girl"

"Girl eh?" I smile, shifting on my feet, waiting for him to continue filling me in on this new information.

"Yeah girl, shes been in and out of the principles office since she first arrived, but I ain't got much on her yet, but I've heard she's nothing but trouble"

My brows furrow as I struggle to think of who this girl might be, and before I could ask him more the intercom calls him too the office and he groans. I laugh, and tell him I'll see him soon before walking over to my locker, finding my mates, Liam, Zayn, Louis, and Niall all standing by it and laughing.

"What's so funny lads?" I walk up to them, interrupting their laughter.

"Hey!" They all cheer, Liam bringing me into a headlock and scraping his large knuckles against the top of my head. I shove him off, lightheartedly punching him in the arm before fixing my now messed up hair, pulling my curls up, and away from my forehead, forming a small wave at the top of my head.

"Where you been mate? We missed seeing you around," Zayn speaks as he continues to lean against the row of lockers, his hands shoved down the pockets of his leather jacket.

"Family trip. You know the drill." I shrug.

"Aww little baby Haz still goes on fun trips with his family." Louis jokes pulling on my cheeks. I laugh and shove his arm away from my face.

"Piss off," I joke and we all laugh.

"Harry!" My best friend, Amanda comes running into my arms, springing up and wrapping her legs around my waist so im carrying her. She wraps her arms around my neck and I wrap mine around her back, embracing her in a tight hug.

"Why don't you guys just go out already?" Niall groans, rolling his eyes as Amanda jumps out of my grip, giving him the finger and he mocks her.

"I missed you, curly," she pokes at my prominent dimple.

"Of course, everyone always does," I smirk and she rolls her eyes mumbling a whatever before I playfully shove her, looking up as the first bell rings, signaling eveyone to get moving to their first class.

"Well there's the bell. See you third period Harry," Amanda smiles closing her locker as the first bell continues to ring, carrying her books in her hands, and walking along the large row of lockers.

"See you Manda-bell," I smirk, grabbing my belongings in my hands and take a few steps backwards, watching as she rolls her eyes at my childhood nickname for her, then waves goodbye, disappearing around the corner.

I smile shaking my head before fully turning around to walk to my class before, I ran right into someone, their books slamming into my chest, and hitting the ground with multiple thuds.

"Watch where you're going you dick," the girl spat in my face, bending down to pick up her books. I bent down to help, then stood up straight observing her attire once I had picked some up. She was wearing a white shirt with acid washed jeans, a leather jacket, combat boots, and to top it all off, a grey scarf -- you know the ones that have the two ends sewn together. I think I heard Amanda call it an infinity scarf once, which, in my opinion is a stupid name for a scarf. Her reddish-brown hair fell lightly over her shoulders, the ends in light waves; her angered, brown eyes burning through me. I couldn't help but smile.

"So are you going apologize or fucking stare at me with that creepy smile on your face?" She snapped, clearly not amused by my emotion and lack of vocabulary.

"Sorry love, I didn't mean to knock your stuff down," I smirk, my dimples creating long craters in the smooth of my cheeks as she snatches the books out of my hands, rolling her eyes.

"I don't understand whats so funny. Thanks to you I'm going to be even more late to class," Her tone harch as she continues to glare at me, then she pushes past me, her elbow coming in contact with the middle of my chest. I chuckle and rub at the sore spot, eyeing her once more before she disappears around the corner and I make my way to my first class.


First period sucked and I was already getting tired of Mr. Sanchez and his smart ass comments. Why the fuck do I need to learn math anyways? It's not like I'm going to use any of this shit in life.

I huff, trudging to my locker, switching from my math books to english books as I massage my temples to relieve my aching head.

"First day back and schools already stressing you out?" Amanda giggles, walking up to my side and stealing the last piece of gum I had in my locker. I roll my eyes and scoff.

"I don't know whats worse, the work or having to deal with you," I joke. She gasps, dropping her hand over her chest, pretending to be offended by my comment.

"Oh shut up. You love me," She smirks before Nicki her annoying friend, walks up to us.

"Hey love birds what you up too?"

"Go away, Nicki," I huff and a shade of pink lightly tint Amanda's cheeks.

She ignores my comment, and turns to Amanda. "Amanda, remember that thing about the thing I was telling you about at that place?" 

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