Chapter 6

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Warning: boring chapter, & P.o.v changes


Harry's p.o.v

I was awoken by frantic doctors, as they had discovered that Emma was missing, she had somehow escaped the restraints on her wrist, and fled the building. I mentally cursed at how easily she slipped from right under my nose, injured, and barely stable.

I left the hospital, walking down the steep mudy hill and into the deserted parking lot where only my car remained, I tiredly got in the car and let my head fall onto the steering wheel with a grunt. I turn the key into the egnition, but the vibraion of the engine isnt heard, a strained chic-chic-chic taking it's place. I throw my head back against the car seat moaning as I noticed the time to refill the gas tank was long over due.

I figured I could walk to the nearest gas station and fill up my tank with the $20 I had saved after hanging out with the lads. I searched my pockets for the money, however, nothing except for soggy pocket lint was found.

"Fuck! Don't tell me she robbed me!" I slammed my hands on the steering wheel in frustration. I was stranded at a hospital parking lot at 2:32 in the morning.

I began to ponder, figuring out a way to get home, and decided to call a friend who lived near by for some help.

"Hello...?" Zayn groggily spoke into the receiver, and I was relieved that he had picked up

"Hey lad. Sorry to bother you so late, but I really need your help" I huff not bothering to open my eyes. He sighed followed by an annoying shuffling.

"Where are you? what happened?"


I sat in the darkness of my car for a few minutes until Zayn later arrived on his motorcycle. I walked out the drivers seat, slamming the door shut as Zayn approached me, once we were face to face he crossed his hands over his chest, and shook his head in disapproval

"What have you gotten yourself into this time mate?"

"She could've died Zayn" I spoke attempting to rid his eyes of their disapproving stare, he huffed out a breath of air, and motioned to his motorcycle

"Get on I'll drive you to the gas station" I turned towards my car, locking it with the alarm, and proceeded behind him onto his bike, he handed me a spare helmet, and I adjusted my hair placing the helmet over my head, and sheepishly wrapped my arms around his torso as we sped off to the nearest gas station.

I walked into the gas station deli as Zayn filled up a large gas container with gasoline. I bought a bottle of water with a few dollars Zayn had lended me, and made my way outside to where he was returning the gas pump to it usual place with a cigarette in between his lips, he pulled it from between his lips, and let out a stream of smoke, the wind blowing it into my face

"Man really?" I fan the air around my face to rid it of the smokey stench, letting out a cough "You have to stop doing this" my hands motion to the cigarette in between his index, and middle finger. I watched as his shoulders slouched in shame towards my comment, and I felt a ball of guilt grow in the pit of my stomach; He breathes in one more huff of smoke before disposing of the lit cigarette onto the ground.

We both get on his bike and he pulled back on the throttle, the engine roared to life; I tightened one arm around around the gas container, and the other around Zayn's torso.

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