Chapter 7

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Harry's P.o.v

I walked down the long corridors lined with lockers on my way to lunch. During class I had gotten in trouble and was forced to stay after class and given a lecture about, how 'without science there would be no world.' As if I give a shit.

I turned left finally reaching my locker and turned the lock to place my combination in, I opened my locker to place my books inside before I head to lunch, however, once the locker opened something fell out and I reached down to retrieve it.

My sweater.

But how? How the fuck did she get into my locker and shove this in here?

The thoughts continued to cloud my mind. No one knows the combination to my locker so how the hell did she-

My thoughts are interrupted by the quick clicking of boots and I await to see who was going to walk out from behind the corner, it wasn't who I expected

"Hey lover boy," Nicki approaches me, reaching to grab at my cheeks

"Piss off," I push at her hand

"Calm down Styles I'm just teasing ya'. Now spit, what's up with you ditching Amanda last night? You're lucky I don't rip your balls off" she smacks at my chest, and I groan

"What happens between me and Amanda is none of your business, I don't have to explain shit to you," I walk around her clearly annoyed and make my way to the lunch room with my sweater in hand.


"So guys how was movie night?" Niall smirks at me and Amanda wiggling his eyebrows

"Yeah did you remember to use a condom?" Louis burst out and Amanda chokes on her water

"Piss off mate you know me and Amanda are just friends," I take a bite out of my burger and watch as Liam continues to help Amanda recover.

"Yeah we know you guys are the Best of 'Friends'" they begin to laugh and I give them the finger. They didn't need to know what went on yesterday with Emma, I already got scolded by Zayn, who again isn't here, for getting involved with Emma and I didn't need the same from these annoying bastards.

I pick up my tray and throw it out in the trash can, then begin to walk out of the lunch room

"Harry?" Amanda catches up to me "Where are you going lunch isn't over yet,"

"Yeah I know I'm just exhausted. I think i'm going to skip the next few classes and go home" I say in hopes that she'll understand.

"Oh Okay I can go with you, keep you company if you'd like,"

"Just cant stay away from me can you?" I smirk and she flushes

"N-No I just thought you would want some company" she rolls her eyes and I bring her into a hug

"I really am sorry about last night" I remind her about my shit move last night and I see the slightest transformation as the corners of her lips flicker into a frown,

"It's okay Harry I understand you got caught up with something else, it's fine" she looks down and shrugs

"I'll make it up to you I promise," I tell her before walking away, leaving her standing alone at the entrance of the lunch room.


I aimlessly walk around for awhile, the cold London air bringing tears to my eyes. The roads were dull and narrow as they appeared to go on forever. The sky was dark, and gloomy, normal for London. I continued to walk down the empty London streets taking advantage of the silence all around me. I've been living in London most of my life and yet never took the time to vask in my surroundings. Despite the cloudy skies, and harsh weather conditions London can be very quiet and beautiful.

I look around as the sun begins to set, casting shades of orange, pink, and dark blue into the misty sky, the buildings casting long shadows along the ground. The flicker of motion across the street graspes my attention, and I chuckle followed by the shake of my head, I cross the street onto the other side of the road.

"Haven't you learned your lesson yet?!" I call out

"Shit," she huffs as her foot slips, however, she keeps a firm grip on the window frame; "Ugh it's you again," she groans and jumps down from the window sill "What are you stalking me now?" she rolls her eyes dusting herself off, walking away from me without waiting from my response, I jog up to her to catch up and match my pace with hers.

"I wanted to say thanks for returning my sweater, although I would've appreciated it more if You would've given it to me in person," She nervously looks around, ignoring me. "How did you even get it inside my locker?" I continue my attempts to catch her attention, however, it seems as if she's too busy observing her surroundings to even hear a word i'm saying. "Emma...?"

"Fuck Styles!" She stomps, clearly aggravated "What does it matter how I got there?! I still returned it didn't I?! I didn't have too ya' know I could have burned it along with a whole bunch of other shit that I didn't need!" She finally spoke, her head snapping back at the sounds of foot steps behind us, she notices it's a mother with her daughter and slightly relaxes. I catch a glimpse of the stitches running horizontally above her collarbones.

"You left yesterday... From the hospital." She's back to ignoring me. "You gave those doctors quite a heart attack, they can't believe you escaped those restraints, I kind of saw it coming though" I joke in attempts to earn at least a smile, however, her face remains neutral. "I would also like to thank you for taking the only money I had left, and leaving me gas-less in an empty parking lot like an idiot" I sarcasticly speak, and nudge her with my elbow, and I swear, that for a quick second I saw the corner of her lips curve up in the smallest smirk, but as quickly as it came, it was gone.

She sighs "Look Styles I appreciate that you still have a child's heart and want to be a super hero you know end world hunger, save kittens from a burning tree, help elderly ladies cross a busy street, but I meant every single word I said to you yesterday, You have to stay away from me,"

"Seems like a lot of people are focused on telling me the same things"

"Well maybe it's about time you start listening; Whatever you have rushing through that thick skull of yours isn't going to work"

"But we're doing fine now, talking, being friends" I smile. wiggling my eyebrows.

"No Styles you have to stay away, this" she motions between us "Is not a friendship, its you being a stalker"

"You know. You tell me to stay away from you, but If I would've listened, you could've died yesterday"

"But I didn't"

"Thanks to me"

"No. Not thanks to you, I didn't ask for your help"

"Well without me there to help you, You wouldn't have made it"

"Listen here Styles I've been in worse situations, life or death situations and made it out without so much as a lick of help, so don't think that just because you happened to be there when I fell that you're an almighty hero, nothing has changed between us, I still can't stand the thought of you and want you as far away from me as possible, So why don't you and your love struck puppy that you call a 'friend' go, and save a baby bird from getting run over by a truck, something tells me she wants you around way more than you think she does."

After she finished talking her pace quickened again and she turned to a fairly large familiar house with a long front yard that looked as if it hadn't been cut in weeks the one I had carried her away from not to long ago. I watched as she walked up her driveway placing something in her jacket pocket, and hugging her arms around herself as a cold breeze blew by, and without looking back, she walked into her front door and the realization finally hits me.

The house I caught her leaving through the window from, wasn't even her house.

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