Chapter 9

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"So where's your mum?" Malik blows out a stream of sweet smelling smoke into the already thick, cloudy air.

"Where do you think?" I continued to stare at the disappearing ceiling and attempt to blow a few smoke rings,

"Don't you miss having your mum around?" I roll my eyes.

"Don't you" I argue and he chuckles, fogs of smoke blowing out from his nostrils, "Fucking hell I can't do it anymore" I stomp my foot against the cold ground and Malik shakes his head, an array of smoke rings falling from his 'O' shaped lips.

"Ya have to take your time, if you blow too fast or too hard it's not going to work" he demonstrates once again earning me to roll my eyes. He sighs "Remember when we were kids"

"Oi shut up" I groan remembering why I refused to get stoned with him whenever he offered

"You can't keep blaming your mum you know. It wasn't her fault"

"Why are you even bringing this shit up?" I huff out a breath of smoke and pass him the joint, he shrugs,

"Just don't want ya to be angry at your mum forever, you never know when you're not going to have her around anymore" he spoke, sitting up as my bedroom door opened and a figure shyly awaited in the doorway. She choked a cough fanning the air around her face, observing to two pot heads in front of her.

"I uh-"she searched for words, "The front door was left open, I-I thought something had happened." She hugged her arms around herself and watched us as the smoke slowly dispersed from the room and into the rest of the house.

"Hello Mrs. Davis" Malik gave her his best smile as he attempted to keep the lit blunt hidden in plain sight; she returned his gesture with a motherly smile.

"Hello Zayn"

"Well as you can see I'm fine, now if you don't mind why don't you go find something motherly to do and shut the door on your way out," I snatched the blunt from Malik's fingers and smoked it, a grim frown forming along the curve of her lips,

"Zayn honey what happened to your face?" she ignored my snide comment and I groaned.

"Oh it was nothing just a little nick, doesn't even hurt." he shrugged, chuckling.

"That's not what you were saying when I sliced you." I mumbled and I watched as he hid a snarl.

"Well maybe I should take a look, make sure it's not infected,"

"Fuck mom is there ever a time you're not being a god damned doctor!?" I shout at her and she flinches,

"I'm sorry, I was just trying to-"

"Well stop trying! I don't want you to try I want you to get out!" I yell at her and she hugs her arms closer to her body, looking away, her lips forming a thin line.

"Very well" she chokes "It was nice seeing you again Zayn." He nods and she forces a smile, avoiding any eye contact with me, and walks away closing the door behind her.

"You didn't have to be such a bitch to her," he snaps and I scoff

"She's trying when it doesn't even count anymore" I growl refusing to look away from his intense stare,

"Well at least she's trying; that's all that counts" he snares, disposing of the small bud out the window and stalking out.

"Fuck you Malik!" I scream loud enough for him to hear me and in response he slams the front door shut. I groan, furiously raking my hands through my tangled hair and slam my clenched fist against the wall, wanting to break something. "Fuck you!" I yell once more, standing to my feet and walking towards my window, I climb out and sit on the ledge as the cold night air engulfs me and numbs my body.

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