Chapter 10

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Harry’s Pov

2 months since I’ve been able to think. 2 months of silence, of worrying, 2 months since Emma pulled the knife on me and it’s been 2 months since I’ve seen her. I haven’t told anyone about what happened that day and Zayn hasn’t brought it up since then; he won’t talk to me about Emma, he won’t tell me what’s happened to her, where she’s been or when she’s coming back,

“Fuck Harry I told you to stay away from her and what do you do?! You go on ahead and look for her!”

“You didn’t see what I saw Zayn! You don’t know what I know!”

“I know about her leaving my house.”

“W-what? But how did you-?”

“I figured it out; I know Emma, I’ve known her since we were kids I know every one of her moves before she even makes them so it wasn’t hard figuring out that she was the one who invaded my home.”

“You’ve known her since you were a kid?”

“Yeah, I know how messed up she is, how messed up she’s always been… So when I told you to stay away from her it was for a reason; I know what I'm talking about!”

That was the first and last time he’s ever talked to me about her. Ever since that day the image has been on a constant loop in my mind; her wild expression, her broken eyes. It was my fault I went and looked for her, I entrapped her against the lockers, I forced her into attack mode and now she’s gone because I was too selfish to listen to her, but how could I? she was so unique, so angry, so broken I wanted nothing more than to be alongside her, open her up and listen to what damaged her in this way, I wanted to hold her, help her, save her from herself.

The ringing of my phone brings me out of my thoughts and I groan, reaching beside me to pick it up and answer the call


“Hey doofis” I roll my eyes at the voice on the other end

“Hey Manda-bell”

“You really need to stop calling me that.” you could hear the annoyance dripping from her voice

“Never,” I chuckle “So what’s up?”

“Well let’s see. I'm home alone, I'm bored, and we haven’t hung out in what feels like years; you barely talk to us anymore, you’re never in lunch, you ignore every one of my calls,” there was a long pause and then a sigh “I miss you Harry.”

I run my hands over my face and mentally curse at myself “I'm so sorry Amanda. I've just had so much on my mind. So much stuff has happened, so much stuff that you won’t even understand; I'm all alone on this so it’s really stressing me out.”

“You don’t have to be alone Harry, you can tell me I’ll try to understand, we can get through this together.”

“I'm sorry Amanda, but not this time.” There was another pause and I thought she had hung up “Amanda?”

“Huh? No-no, I mean yeah I totally get it there are just something’s you have to face alone” I hated myself for making her feel this way

“How about I take you out for some pizza and a movie?” I attempt to cheer her up

“Yeah sure, that sounds great.” her smile was visible even over the phone

“Mind if we borrow your car through, mine is out of gas” I awkwardly scratch the back of my neck and she giggles over the receiver

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