I watched the grey clouds forming from the warm air escaping my nostrils as I adjusted the gloves I was wearing, it had been an honestly brilliant idea to do this now I thought sarcastically as I started my shiny black Ducati. It was around two-thirty pm and the plane had been ready for my departure for about half an hour now, it had just taken a long time to convince my mother that I wasn't doing another disappearing act like last time only to end up on the tabloids cutting the ribbon to a tall shiny glass tower.
I shook my head at the thought as I revved the engine and rode to the airport, I was once again bombarded by the paparazzi but didn't pay it any mind. Alessandro was waiting for me there with transport to return my bike back home, I thanked him as I handed him the keys to the bike and headed to entry for my flight. I hadn't brought any bags with me so the process was pretty much non-existent allowing me to be on the plane and taking off in less that ten minutes.
The ride had been short, there was no stops and an open landing space once we'd arrived, though I knew I should've left earlier when I saw that it was around six in the evening. I could've gone over the papers on the damn plane considering how long it just took, that would've been more than enough time to come up with the mediocre theory I'd devised lying around in my room back home.
I pinched the bridge of my nose as the flight attendant informed me that I was free to exit the plane and that the paparazzi had been warned off the landing. I thanked her with a nod and descended the stairs of the plane adjusting my coat once I'd reached the ground. I walked into the airport and out the exit on the other side. Rolling my eyes I pulled out my phone and searched for an uber only to find out they didn't have uber available in this country. I almost groaned aloud but kept to myself as I dialled for a taxi instead, not until I'd searched up the number on google of course.
I was lucky I'd opted for the international mobile plan. Or I'd be f-cked.
The taxi arrived just minutes later and luckily enough this city was nothing like New York or that taxi would've been snatched from right under me at the pace I was going. I climbed in and asked to be dropped just a couple blocks from the street I was looking for, I didn't want to raise any suspicions about where I was going.
"Uh that street doesn't come up here mate." I winced at the terrible accent, not german at all.
"Drop me in that direction." I pointed towards the power tower, that was where the building had come up when I'd searched it on Google Maps. This whole thing - I was starting to realise - was super unprofessional. I said 'super' so it must be. The guy began driving and didn't ask questions when I paid him more than he needed and got out just at the edge of town. I waited for his car to disappear down the road - so not to raise suspicion - and started walking out into the field.
Relief flooded my system as I recognised the name of the street I was looking for on an old rusting sign post to my left, I followed the dirt path glad I hadn't completely and thoroughly wasted my time. It was now around seven or eight and I was still walking this damn field. A building with at least five floors and only a few lights switched on came into view behind a line of trees and I thanked god for getting me there, any longer and I would've called for a helicopter. I'd surely be shot down by security, getting this address wasn't meant to be easy.
I went up the front and typed in the code meant for the entrance from the text Leo had sent me moments after our conversation, I walked to the elevator and pressed for the fourth floor then entering the pin required. I hadn't come unarmed so whatever waited for me on the other side of the sliding doors I could handle. Surprisingly the interior of the building was sleek and modern whereas the exterior was rusting, old and misleading - which I took to be intended, for cover or something.

Lose Myself
RomanceWAS #2 in Romance. -- He's got a secret, she's got a secret. But is it the same secret? Amara Ackerman is an interior designer who just wants to live her life, she doesn't want to get married and she doesn't need a boyfriend. To her it...