I had already finished getting ready fifteen minutes ago and Amara was still in the wardrobe. She'd run out about three times grabbing smaller bags from her bigger bags and one of those things that make your hair straight, or was it curly?
"What could you possibly be doing that's taking so long?" I muttered under my breath whilst replying to Leo's urgent text telling me to come downstairs, everyone was here.
"Well rejoice, I'm finished."
I looked up to find Amara stood just outside the walk-in-robe with the most beautiful dress on, her hair was – I guessed it – in waves and she was wearing another pair of Louboutin's. The dress was a light pink peachy colour that stopped mid-thigh and the Louboutin's a nude peach as well. I stood slowly and she stood there watching me, I approached her then held my arm out for her link with hers and she did.
"You look stunning. Perfetto." I purred in her ear. I smiled as she turned beet red.
I looked at my watch again. 'Take your time, it's all about you' was probably a stupid thing to say to someone who was already fifteen minutes late. Dominic was really stretching it on this one. I took my seat at the table for the third time in the last twenty minutes, Claire gave me a weird look and I just shrugged. The sounding of heels clicking on the floor gave away their arrival, the quiet chatter quickly died down to nothing but silence.
For many in the room who hadn't met Amara yet – let alone knew her name – this was a high tension moment. The silence, footsteps, all of it was like a build-up. A lot of high expectations were put on her. Rumours had been going around that she took after the Greek goddess Aphrodite, she was so beautiful in fact that she put all models to shame. That was only one of them. She was also supposedly so graceful that she practically floated everywhere she went and so agile that even the best could not pin her.
The door opened, Dominic stepped into the room looking like he usually does which is pretty great, all the time. Amara stepped in and the chorus of 'Slow Motion' by Trey Songs started playing in my head, she wore a shapely dress that hugged all her curves and I whole-heartedly regretted helping Dominic find her because now he had dibs.
The heads of all the people in the room turned following their every move as they walked to their seats, it was still silent even after they sat down and I could see Amara was quickly becoming uncomfortable. For Dominic this was the usual whenever he entered any room. I cringed a little as he leaned over and whispered in her ear.
I stood, "As many of you may have realised, we have a new member joining our familia today." I smiled at Amara, she visibly relaxed as the attention was turned to me. "I hope you can be accepting of Amara, if not I don't know what Dominic will do to you." I joked. A small buzz of laughter started with a few mutters here and there, though they all knew I was serious.
"Thanks for that Leo," Dominic stood as he spoke, I tipped my glass to him. He continued, "The air has gotten thick, I suggest we go on with our gathering as normal. Before that, I would like to welcome you all to our home. We will be in each other's company for a long while, we should try our best to cooperate – no sleeping with each other's sisters." I choked on my drink and turned to see Dominic raising a brow at me. I gave him a short fake laugh and he gave me one in return.
I stood with my glass raised, "To Amara, welcome to the family!" Clinks of glasses sounded as people said their 'Welcome's in unison.
Amara smiled, she drew the attention of everyone and I believe it was in that moment that every person saw exactly what Dominic saw. Perfection.

Lose Myself
RomanceWAS #2 in Romance. -- He's got a secret, she's got a secret. But is it the same secret? Amara Ackerman is an interior designer who just wants to live her life, she doesn't want to get married and she doesn't need a boyfriend. To her it...