Chapter Thirty-Four: Distant

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I sighed scratching my scalp as I boarded off the plane, this place doesn't have very many residents. I didn't remember it being this deserted. I climbed out of the taxi, this being the second time I'd caught a taxi to what looked like nowhere in the same country. Luckily it wasn't the same driver, that would be weird.

I could tell already that Amara had influenced me some way, my vocabulary had changed a lot since she started hanging around. I don't hang out with anyone else most of the time. I made my way to the rusty signpost that saved me the last time. I started on the pathway, this time it didn't seem to take as long but if my legs could talk they would disagree.

I started a little bit of a jog as I approached the building, that was still looking as damaged as ever. I entered the code and opened the door, stood for a little bit trying to figure out exactly where I went the last time. I started down a hallway on my left, and relaxed as I came to the same reception desk as before. Not making the mistake of just walking past.

''You're still in the exact same spot?" I chuckled, "Thought you'd at least have started wearing different styles of clothing." I smiled at Emilie as she looked up startled. At least they'd gotten her a new computer.

"Oh, wow." She stood, "You're back?"

"Yup." I sat on the old couch across from the desk, she sat back down frowning.

She sighed, "What do you want? More information about my friend?"

"I was hoping."

"As far as I'm aware, you already found her. You were on the news."

"You watch the news?" I snorted. No one in my house watches the news.

"Can we get to the point?" she said irritated. She was typing quickly.

"Can I see her room?" I asked. She looked up from under her lashes, her fingers becoming still on the keyboard.

"Anything to get you out of here." She went into the back room and came back, sliding a key across the counter. "Opens every door in the place. Her room is number 10, go down this hall," she pointed to the hallway to my left, "Turn right at the end and then left on the second hallway. It's the one at the very back."

"Thanks." I stood grabbing the key.

"Don't spend too much time exploring." She commented taking her seat and going back to her typing. She acted as if I came here regularly. I appreciated the lack of commotion, seeing me on the news with Amara must've confirmed that she trusted me. Any friend of my friend is a friend to me, must be something she lives by.

I followed her instructions, it was creepy – every time I've been here this place has been dead quiet, empty and with only one person to guard it. Someone who is hardly qualified if I say so myself.

I got to the door, this hallway was dark and her door was the only one here. I opened the door sliding it open, I felt for the light switch and grew frustrated when I couldn't find it. The sound of the intercom working filled the room, Emilie's voice floated through the speakers, "Only the admin can switch on the lights, I'll do it now."

"Is there camera's in here or something?" I frowned looking around, trying my best to see in the dark.

"Yes, they had to keep her under monitor. This is the only room aside from mine with speakers in it, they only put speakers in mine to keep track of our conversations when she came to my room." She paused, "She was the most dangerous agent here after all." She said before switching off.

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