Author: I don't know if its a good thing, how long this chapter is...
It was pretty dark for daylight, though all I could see was black.
"Don't open your eyes. Keep 'em closed." he whispered.
"God the intensity is killing me." I said in the most sarcastic voice ever, I was actually pretty content in staying blind and letting him hold me for eternity.
He led forward, "Okay, you're going into the car now. Watch your step."
"Oh," I sang, "What a gentleman."
"Do you want me to just throw you in?" he suggested, he sounded like he was standing to my right. I put my hand out.
"Calm down, I can't see remember?" I frowned trying to find the actual car, I heard blows of air and frowned. Was he laughing at me?
It was only when he drew in a breath that I knew for sure the bastard was messing with me, he forgets I can hear where he is. I jabbed my elbow into what I presumed was his stomach, which was hard but not impossible. The laughing immediately stopped.
"Jesus." He hissed.
"Hurry up." I whined. I could imagine he was wearing a stupid look on his face.
After Dominic had picked me up – putting me in my seat and securing a seatbelt – I felt the car start up and sighed. "Do I have to keep it on it the car?" I complained.
He chuckled. I frowned, "You might as well be kidnapping me you know."
"Most people may think that," he replied, "Luckily for us we're not going through the m- "
"The what?" I jumped excited, he almost slipped.
I sighed then started humming a song that was stuck in my head, the car ride was lengthy – there was absolutely nothing I could see – so I put myself to sleep.
The next moment I was being picked up bridal style, I yawned stretching my arms. I heard a snicker from Dominic but just went back to sleep. The bastard won't let me see anything.
"Amara." He called my name in a hushed tone.
"Hm?" I hummed.
"You can take it off."
I jumped, "Really?" I was smiling so big.
He chuckled untying the band then roughing up my hair before sitting in the chair across from me, he honestly had nerve. "A plane." I narrowed my eyes, speaking with a tone of disappointment.
"Sì." He smiled. I watched him put the fabric in his pocket, which was definitely going back on my face in a few hours. I threw my head back in defeat, running a hand through my hair to repair the damages. A ding went off, Dominic pulled out his phone – switched it off – then put it back into his pocket. I narrowed my eyes even more, that was an unusual thing for him to do.
He moved to leaning on the arm of the chair, resting his chin in his palm and watching me. I copied his move and leaned on my arm as well, also making full eye contact. He wouldn't stop looking so I wouldn't stop looking. He cocked his head to the side. I cocked my head to the side.
I ended up with very dry eyes, I was tired of this game and it wasn't fun anymore. I laid back in my chair again, huffing. Dominic continued to stare. I grew tired of his in depth observation and decided we should play a game. All I can come up with when bordering on death by boredom.

Lose Myself
RomanceWAS #2 in Romance. -- He's got a secret, she's got a secret. But is it the same secret? Amara Ackerman is an interior designer who just wants to live her life, she doesn't want to get married and she doesn't need a boyfriend. To her it...