Chapter Fifty-Two: Tough Love

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"Oh man," I scratched my neck, "We're out of guac."

"And you know how much I love my guac." Amara didn't look up from her book, I nodded.

"I guess I'll have to go out and get some more." I sighed closing the fridge and grabbing the keys.

"Hey Dominic, you don't have to do that!" she frowned looking up, her gaze following as I walked away.

"Don't be so entitled Amara, I like guac too." I chuckled.

I heard a soft, "Oh." before grabbing my jacket from the foyer closet. I walked back and pecked her forehead. "I'll be back before you know it."

She pouted as I turned to leave.

"Ciao bella!" I announced my departure before closing the door.

I parked my motorcycle outside the convenience store, the place was practically deserted. I went to the cheese and so forth aisle and grabbed the guac, not leaving until I got an ice tea for Amara. I paid for the stuff but got held up by the services guy near the exit, he held up some Beats Headphones. "Try these, it's like nothing you've heard before! Even if you've heard the song before."

"Low on sales?" I chuckled putting the bag down and sliding the contraption over my ears. The song wasn't half bad, I definitely hadn't heard it before. I felt a sting in my thigh but didn't focus on it whilst giving the headphones back. I noticed the dart when I bent over to pick up my grocery bag.

"Sh-t." I muttered.

"Is everything okay?" the dude asked trying to get a look.

I cleared my throat, "Nah its fine. Thanks." I pointed to the headphones in his hands and quickly walked outside, I didn't stop till I was around the corner.

Things were starting to get blurry, I pulled the stupid thing out and stashed it in the grocery bag. A guy walked up to me, I managed to say 'at least bring the guac' before I lost my speech and my sight.

Amara was going to be so f-cking pissed.


"So what did he do?" I asked Travin who lugged the guy into the back seat.

He held up the plastic bag, "He just asked me to bring his guacamole."

I frowned, "Does he not take us seriously?" There was silence.

Emilie sighed, "He thinks she'll come for him."

I laughed, "How stupid can he be? What can she do?"

"A lot." Emilie looked genuinely worried.

"Leave the bag. Let's go."


Hour 1, hour 2, hour 3...

I'd been counting, he's been gone for three whole hours. It doesn't take that long to get guac.

I sighed getting up, you know when I'm fatter I won't be able to run after him like this. Talk about pushing it. I'm just hoping Santo won't try push a knife into my abdomen.

I changed into my jumpsuit which wouldn't fit in a week I bet and slid on my coat as well. I got upset seeing Dominic's still hanging there, it'll just be me today.


"Dominic Vitiello. Today you die."

I heard some chick's voice, I rolled over but even that spot was still cold. So I was definitely on the ground, I bet they didn't expect me to sleep this cosy on the concrete floor. I opened my eyes slowly then sat up shocked.

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