Chapter 5

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Kellan Lust😍-I mean Lutz😂

Kellan Lust😍-I mean Lutz😂

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Keisha POV

I wake from a well rested sleep before slumping out of bed and into the closet. I pull out a cute outfit before heading in the bathroom to shower since I'd came home yesterday and went straight to sleep.

After my shower, I think about why Jas wants me to go to the store with her today. I mean she's a little too old to be afraid of going to the store by herself. So....why? Guess I'll have to ask her when I get to school.

I pull on my underwear before pulling on my clothes and grabbing my things and going downstairs. I receive a text through my phone and I pick it up to see a text from Teddy.

Teddy: If only you were here ;-)

Curious,  I ask...

Me: If only I were there to do what? Not even a second later I receive a text causing me to release a loud gasp and for my dad to look over at me with a questioning gaze.

Teddy: To get rid of this... *file attachment*

He had sent a picture of his hard manhood sticking up from under the covers. I would be as red as a tomato if I were white. I quickly leave the picture and send a fiery text back.

Me: Why would you do that!?! It's too early in the morning for this mess!😡

Teddy: 😂I love it when you get all flustered babe. I can only imagine your face right now😘. Have a nice day Peaches💓.

Nice day my ass. 

"What's wrong pumpkin?" My dad asks, pulling me from my phone.

"Oh nothing major, just some news a friend has told me."

"Does it have something to do with Jas?" My brother asks from the fridge and I squint my eyes at him while taking a bite of my biscuit.

"No, not that she would be any of your concern." He kisses his teeth and pulls out a jug of o.j.

"Oh well, shouldn't you be going? Don't want for you to be late sweetie." My ma says and I nod before hopping up and wishing them a goodbye. I hop in my car, and I'm off to boring old school as usual.

Once I arrive in school, I see my bestie and Kaden making out in the corner. I skip over to them and push their bodies apart. "Excuse me humans, but you are aware that we're at a school where they'll suspend you for ripped jeans right?" Jas playfully rolls her eyes while Kaden just stands there and blushes.

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