Chapter 8

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Keisha POV

"Peaches, babe I have to get up and go." I stir in my sleep on my Teddy, hearing his voice. I groan and roll off of him and onto a pillow before gaining enough will to get up from the pillow. I sleepily watch him as he throws on a plain, charcoal grey T-shirt and grabs his toothbrush, heading to the bathroom. Climbing out of bed, I stretch and follow him in. Wrapping my arms around his waist, I lay my head against his back.

"Sleepy head, what's up?" He asks and I whine.

"I wanna go with you." He sighs and turns off the water.

"I wish you could come with me, but you have to wait until the break. Besides, in a couple of hours you'll be finding out all that's been worrying you." He pulls me around to face him and snorts. "And your hair is wildin'." I slap his chest, holding in my laugh.

"Shut up! To be honest, I don't know if I'm ready. I want to know, but then seems like it could ruin things. I'm scared." He pulls me into a comforting hug.

"Listen, it's okay. I'm here, your mom, your dad, we're here for you. Don't let your relationship with your brother get tarnished."

"I don't want it to be, so it's not going to be."

"Good, now throw on some shoes and send me off to my mission my lady." I giggle and speed walk into the room, throwing on some slippers and following behind Teddy as he takes his bag downstairs. The rest of the house was silent, but they knew Teddy was leaving in the early morning.

"So I guess this is good bye until next time." I sigh and he smacks his teeth.

"Stop trying to make this some sappy movie. If I could, I would kidnap you and take you with me, hand cuff you to a bed in my house and hide you away from the world forever." My sappy mood immediately goes away.

"Yeah I think I'll stay for awhile." I chuckle nervously and he smirks.

"That's what I thought. Now give me a kiss so I can go before I'm late." He scoops down and lifts me up as I pull him in for a soaring kiss. After about 4 or 5 minutes of smooching he finally lets me down onto the ground. "Be a good girl, call me when you need anything, and stay up." He tells me before hopping in his car. I give him a thumbs up before he pulls out of the driveway and speeds down the road. I watch until his car disappears before heading back in and up to my room. I pull off my slippers and hop back in bed, letting the silence of the house sooth me back to sleep.

3 hours later....

"Aye! Aye Keke wake up, ma wants you to wake up. She ain't cook nothing." I hear D speak from the door and I sit up rubbing my eyes. I slide out of bed and slowly make my way to the bathroom to freshen up and brush the stank out of my morning breath. I'm surprised Teddy didn't say anything about it earlier, I guess he knew I was too out of it to notice myself so he kept nice until he left. I head into my closet to pull some clothes out and pulling them on. I pull my hair up into a puff ball. I grab my phone, a little cash, and my car keys before heading downstairs.

"Good Morning, where you heading?" My dad asks from his seat on the couch.

"Just going to McDonald's, then I'm heading to the park to meet up with Jas so we can have our little chat." He nods.

"Right, good luck and drive safe. Don't want you going on a rampage." I giggle and open the door.

"Oh I won't, see you later."

"See you later!" I trot out to my car and hop in before pulling out and making my way to Mickey D's. I order a breakfast burrito, a hash brown, and an apple juice. I go ahead and head over to the park and eat my breakfast in my car, waiting for Jas to pull up.

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