*-Where It All Began-

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I looked up at the doe eyed woman who was walking me down the hall and whimpered. "Where's my Mommy?" I asked quietly and she looked down at me sighing softly but she didn't answer the question. She pulled me down the hallway towards the big red door and I yanked on her hand trying to get my hand out of her grip.

"Where's my Mommy?! I wanna go home!" I screamed and another pair of legs came into my view before I saw the soft blue eyes that stared back at me. The man smiled gently but didn't say anything, just smiled at me.

"Whats your name, kid?" He asked and I sniffed wiping my nose with my sleeve.

"Astrid.." I muttered and he nodded after looking up at the woman.

"Well Astrid, can I talk to you for a minute?" He asked and I nodded eager to get away from the lady. Her fingers we're bony and her hands we're clamy. I stumbled after the man with the blue eyes and climbed into the plush white chair next to him after he had sat down. He was wearing a white button up shirt that Daddy used to wear when he had somewhere important to be.

"Astrid." The man called my name and I looked up at him blinking. "My name is Detective Graham, can I ask you a few questions about what happened at your house?" He asked.

"My Mommy was fighting with Marsha and Daddy." I said swinging my feet back and forth. I picked at the cushion on the chair and continued. "I was watching tv when I heard a cup break, when I got up my Mommy was laying in a lot of blood but my Daddy didn't do anything. I don't know where Marsha went but Daddy went after her and that's when I called the police like my Mommy told me too."

"Who's Marsha?" Detective asked and I giggled.

"She's my babysitter. She comes over whenever Mommy is at work and stays with Daddy and sometimes me too." I said and he was about to say something when a woman in a clad black pants suit walked in. She looked tired but still put together. She motioned for Detective Graham to come over to her and he dismissed himself before going to talk to her.

I looked back down to the white chair as they started talking.

"She didn't see much from what I'm gathering but put a APB out on the Dad and the supposed baby sitter. How's the Mom?" I overheard and grabbed a loose strand from the seat pulling it roughly.

"She didn't make it. How old is the kid?" The woman muttered and the Detective sighed nodding.

"She's six. Call social services." He said before walking back over to me. I looked up at him and he smiled sadly at me.

"Look, kid. Your Mom got hurt really bad and she..left us." He explained slowly and I smiled.

"Can we go with her?" I asked and he looked scared.

"O-oh no." He sighed and kneeled down in front of me. "Astrid, your mom died."

I nodded and sat back while he watched me intently. I didn't cry or say anything and after a while the detective left and another lady came into the room to talk to me but I didn't respond to her. I should have cried but I didn't. I never once cried over her, not even at the funeral because I couldn't help but think...

Did my Mom leave the stove on?


A/N: Guys I am so excited to write this story for you all and I hope you enjoy this comedic love story as much as I hope you will!

I usually update two chapters at a time and if I don't just remind me and I can will. Also, keep in mind that I have to be inspired so keep me inspired guys!

Till the next chapter, Alvanae.

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