Part 2 Chapter 2

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It was the 19th and it was the second Quidditch game of the school year and the second one of November, there wouldn’t be any more games till February, for it would be too risky to play in the freezing weather over December and January. It was Gryffindor against Hufflepuff and James wasn’t that worried about the game. He arrogantly shook the hand of the new Hufflepuff team captain and scanned the team, mostly new players.

The longer James spent on the air the more over confident he got. He was winning 180 – 40 when the major shock happened, Hufflepuff caught the snitch. When the commentator called it James nearly fell off his broom, he hadn’t even seen the Hufflepuff seeker go in for it. He slightly felt better at the fact that he had now had 450 points towards the quidditch cup, but he was sulking, he would be for the rest of the night.

He was sulking when he was in the change rooms, he was sulking when he was hanging with his friends, and he was sulking when sitting in the Head’s Common Room coffee table doing his homework next to Lily, who was shocked that he was a) doing homework and b) being quiet. He was majorly pissed for the rest of the Saturday not to mention his team was pissed as well.

It was the next morning and the fact had finally sunk in that James had lost the match, a match against Hufflepuff, he prepared to sulk again and he was in that stage of that happening when Sirius, Remus and Peter entered the common room and Sirius quickly knocked some sense into him.

The four of them entered the great hall for breakfast, Lily visibly stiffened at her spot beside Emma and Jasmine at the Gryffindor table, still at this stage of the year expecting James to come and annoy her.

Lily wasn’t the only one that stiffened, Emma stiffened at the fact that the morning post was coming, not just that, but the fact that her family’s owl was flying there, meaning that her retched pureblood family was sending her a letter.

James was watching Lily (not that she noticed) when he saw Emma still and stare at the owls coming through. He nudged Remus and Sirius and nodded his head towards what was happening. They watched as a letter was dropped in front of her, and as she stared at it for several seconds. They watched as Lily and Jasmine worriedly swapped their gazes from her to the letter. Emma picked the letter up and shoved it into her bag.

A letter arrived again in two days, end every two days until she had five. Her fifth arrived at dinner (the evening of the 28th) and she became incredibly angered by her family’s attempts to reach her and talk about god knows what in their letter (for Emma hadn’t opened a single one of them). The fact that another came every two days was suggesting that her family knew they hadn’t been opened because they were probably requesting some sort of replay back that she would want to send, but hadn’t for she hadn’t opened the letters.

The boys had been watching whenever she received a letter and were curious as to what would happen, because unlike all the other time her face showed emotion. She summoned one of the many floating candles from the ceiling and burnt each of the five letters, one at a time, her smile grew more as another letter turned to ash in her hands.

Word would get to her family some way, the Slytherins that were watching her from the far table would send their families letters probably mentioning what happened and hopefully one of the snooty mothers that were friends with her mother would alert her. Her mother would get the message, and she would know better than to send anymore, hopefully.

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