Part 4 Chapter 1

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Jasmine had just apparated in from her job at the robes store in Diagon Alley. The fact that she lived in a muggle street meant she had to apparate into the alleyway at the end of her street, though at current state, apparating was even less enjoyable than normal. Jasmine had discovered she was pregnant a mere week ago and she often pondered how she didn’t realize sooner, with the discomfort of apparating deep in her stomach, her lack of period  and her sudden pickiness in food.

She pondered how for three months she didn’t notice, though she didn’t check how far along she was, she just figured she was three months along for her and Remus had only had sex once.  Which brought her to her next point, tonight she was going to tell Remus. She had been hesitant, she didn’t want them to just stay together because she was pregnant (looking back later she realized this was a ridiculous notion, for their relationship was going really rather well, she blamed it on pregnancy hormones) but two nights previous Remus had proposed without being alerted of her pregnancy.

Unless he noticed her stomach. She placed her hands on her belly, at the time she had only thought she was gaining weight, when she realized that that was a ridiculous idea due to the fact she had become suddenly become picky with her food and ate less. That was when she decided a pregnancy test would be wise.

As she unlocked the door to her and Remus’ house she pondered what to make for dinner, due to his job he wouldn’t be home for another hour or two.  She frowned when she saw the two envelopes on the table, both addressed to her, the first had her full name and the Ministry of Magic stamp on it, the second merely had ‘Jazzy’ on it in Remus’ hand writing. She read the Ministry letter, her nerves fraying slightly as she popped the seal,

Ms Jasmine Bally,

We regret to inform you that due to the state of your fiancé and his suspected involvement in the war, he is being relocated to a housing facility for surveillance to ensure that his claimed innocence is …


The letter went on further to explain how she would be receiving support money to make up for the loss of Remus’ income for the next five years or until the return of her fiancé and finished with the signature of the current Minister of Magic, but Jasmine didn’t really take any of it in.  This wasn’t how it went, this wasn’t how it was supposed to go, Remus was meant to come home in an hour or two to her decided meal of Fettuccine Carbonara and she was going to tell him she was pregnant, they were going to decide the wedding would be after the birth of the baby, he would kiss her a million times during the night before going to bed to leave the dishes for the next morning.

She sat stunned for several minutes before turning to Remus’ letter, which was merely a folded piece of paper. She smiled, realising that it was paper and not parchment, she used paper and not parchment, she incorrectly took this as a good sign. What she wanted to hear from Remus’ letter was reassuring words of how he would be home in no time, to tell her to not worry.

But that wasn’t what she got.

My dearest Jasmine.


This most likely isn’t what you want to hear, and I feel almost cruel writing it. You told me not too long after our first kiss, as I questioned myself as I normally do, that there was no consequence that would ever make you regret dating a werewolf.

Does this make you regret?

In the war we are currently stuck in, werewolves are not to be trusted, we are believed allies of he-who-must-not-be-named, but you already know all this. What you don’t know is that they are now rounding up every werewolf they can get their hands on and moving them to a compound to ‘prove our innocence’. Bullshit. They think imprisoning innocent werewolves believed to be allied with the enemy will cut off the Death Eater’s inside sources. They hope capturing us will end the war.


I am not sure what is written in my letter, as they won’t know what is on my, for what they read, and you read will be two different things (the power of a simple timed masking charm). They may tell you in their letter that I will return to you soon, but by the way they speak I fear that that is a lie. The way they say I may never be released; they say the paperwork will be too messy. The likelihood of my ‘accidental’ death towards the end of this war is high, and nothing will happen because a werewolves’ life is not highly valued by those assigned to deal out the justice in the Ministry.


Which is why I beg of you to forget me dear Jasmine. As I once told you, back when I questioned myself about us, that by dating a werewolf, and in the end being engaged to a werewolf would only hurt you deeply. I am so ,so sorry. Move on Jasmine.


I love you.



It was then that Jasmine burst into tears, sobbing ‘Rem, Rem, Rem, Rem’ over and over again until the word held no meaning, just a continuous flow of syllables streaming form her mouth.

Then she did the only thing that made any sense to her at current. She apparated to James and Lily’s place, in her shaky state it took her a minute to remember there was spell over their place.

She stumbled into their living room, entering the house without knocking, she was glad to see Sirius and Emma there, their son Griffin upstairs sleeping with Harry.

The four people in the living room stared up at Jasmine in shock, she was sobbing heavily, a piece of what Lily recognised as paper clutched tightly in her hand.

“T-they took m-my Remus” she sobbed out. They told her to sit and they forced the story out her, though they knew it was painful for her, but she refused to let them read the obviously private letter from Remus. It seemed so odd; two days previous they had all gotten together to celebrate Remus and Jasmine’s engagement and gossiped excitedly about how there was only three week until Emma and Sirius’ wedding.

Then the group heard some of the most heartbreaking news ever.

“I’m pregnant.” Jasmine whimpered out once she calmed down, and that was when Lily, who had always been rather over emotional burst into tears for her friend.

For at the current it was them, her and James, that really earned all of the pity, they had to go into hiding while the most evil man in the history of wizarding world hunted their one year old son. But here her friend was, her new fiancé being taken away from her for being a werewolf most likely never to been seen again, while finding out she was pregnant.

To Lily, Jasmine deserved all the pity.

Jasmine stayed at Lily and James’ house until Halloween morning, and for years to come she would blame herself that James and Lily died, she had left no more than eight hours prior to their death.

Arrggggggg yucky chapter! Shorter then the normal chapter again, hate this chapter, icky.

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