Ch. 2 ▲ Celsius

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As she prepared her bag, Valeriana's mind swirled. How was she to introduce herself to the people of Arlandia? Prim and proper? No, Corvan would laugh and would never let her get over the embarrassment.

She gave a sigh. She couldn't decide what to bring either. Definitely her, um, pads...but there was a chance Corvan might sneak a look at her bag. She'd have to hide it well.

Wait she couldn't forget the box. Her birthday was coming up, and soon she would be able to open it.

She pushed the question to the back of her mind as she continued to look around the room. Her clothes and essentials were all packed in there, and the room looked almost bare. This trip was to take approximately one month. She fingered her ring nervously.

"You ready?" Corvan stood in the doorway, his bag in his hands.

"Um yeah, I guess." A faint tinge of pink graced her features as she noticed him looking at her ring, a bit tense. Neither said anything for a while, until he cleared his throat.

"So let's go. To Arlandia." He smiled, as he thought of his warm continent.


As they stepped through the portal doors, the fifth-ranker became full of anxiety. Would the people hate her, for being clumsy and...

"Stop it. You're voicing your thoughts again. And yes, you are a clumsy stupid witch, but they won't know that. Unless you fall off Armeggon again. Then they shall know. Speaking of Armeggon, the first two days will be spent at my home teaching you how to horseback ride, since you are so stupid and clumsy."

"Oh, um...okay..."

"Corvan! Valeriana! I am so glad you've come back, I never got to truly know you since you rapidly left in search of the twin-tailed lions." A beautiful woman hugged Corvan and Valeriana as she greeted them.

A zooming tiny girl quickly attached herself to Valeriana. Why didn't you stay last time?
She asked, pouting.

Because sweetie, I had an important task at hand. But now I'm gonna stay for a couple of days.

Hmph. Ask Mommy if you can take me please! Im already eight...I want to see the world!

Okay. I will ask, don't worry! She lifted up her gaze from Corvan's sister hesitatingly and asked the Lord.

"Um, Lord Wylden? She desires your allowance to travel the continent with us as is desired of the future Lord and...Lady..." Her voice trembled as she said the last sentence, still quite unsure of everything.

"Well, Emilyrse, you have been a good girl, I think it is time to divulge your existence to the rest of Arlandia, even if it is a couple of years early." He laughed gently.


Okay so go pack your stuff! It's gonna be for like a month!


She ran off, presumably to her room. The girl chuckled as the lord slowly descended his gaze upon her. "So..."

She gulped. This was going to be long.


"I am so tired!" complained Valeriana as she fell back onto the bed after a long talk and later and equally long and painful lesson on how to mount a horse, resulting in her falling, and receiving too many nast comments from the arrogant Lord Corvan.The Lord and Lady had insisted she share with Corvan, but she didn't want to spend any more time with him then necessary. So she managed to win and convince them that they weren't officially together, at least until the ring was found.

And her birthday was tomorrow. She sat up instantly and rubbed the sleep from her eyes as she frantically dug through her bag, throwing her clothes left and right. "If only Chavi were here..." she mused, wondering where her box had gone. A knock suddenly revertebrated around the room, and she hastily smoothed down her honey-blonde hair as she opened the door. An arrogant smirk found it's way onto his face as he stared a her misheveled state. Looking over her shoulder, his smirk grew as he said, "Wow. Not even one full day and you already manage to make your room extremely messy. Amazing job really, fifth-ranker. No one would ever guess you were my betrothed." He ended with a humongous smirk plastered against his face.

Resising the urge to smack him and tying to hide her blush, she coolly responded, "Well my birthday is tomorrow and I thought I might want to have a look at the box that, oh you know, no one can open except for me."

He suddenly realized this and, hiding his shock, defended himself. "Well it was hard to remember, past the fact your room is an absolute pigsty right now."

Then she did something he never expcted her to do. She called for his mother. "Lady Wylden? Your beloved son Corvan is calling me a pig!"

His eyes widened as he started to back away."Oh no mister. You are in big trouble now." Her voice was low and dangerous and he actually got a little scared. Not only was she a force to truly reckon with, his mother was very formidable as well. There was a strong reason his father had courted his mother after all. She was like spitfire, strong and wild.


After a few hours of running from Valeriana, he paused for rest in the library. Valeriana couldnt possibly find him in here. And his mother thought he hated books. He smirked as he thought up a new plan to overcome the two scariest women he's ever met in his lifetime, Valeriana and his mother.

Suddenly a head popped up from around the corner. It was Emilyrse, and she had come to find Corvan. But he didn't know that. He smiled again and hugged his sister. Her response was to dump a bucket of water on him she had most definitely not been carrying one minute ago and then, unknowingly to Corvan, spoke to Valeriana through their auras. I have him!

Yes! She excitedly shared the news with his mom as they slowly cornered Corvan. Suddenly, the honey-blonde haired girl came running at him and easily wrestled him to the ground, holding his arms on the ground.

"Whuff! Wha- enuff! I am a w-ode and I deswve to be fwee-!" She stuck a sock inside of his mouth for dramatic purposes and cried out, "Ta-Da!"

He continued struggling, but once seeing it was no use his body went slack. His mom came running with a swishing bucket full of cold water and dumped it onto his head, soaking him. He suddenly was overcome by a great fit of coughing and was taken quickly to his bedroom.

"Oh no, maybe the water was too cold... Emilyrse, what temperature did you retrieve it at?"

Two degrees.


No, definitely Celsius.

Valeriana face-palmed. No wonder Corvan got sick so quickly. They gave him freaking Antarctica water. As she hurried to fetch another warm blanket, she tried to stop her racing heart. It was simply a bucket of ice-cold water. Nothing to worry about. Besides, if a sunnuvabeetch had been bested by him, then a mere cold would do nothing. He would be up and torturing her again... on Armeggon... save that thought. It would be better for her poor bum if he stayed sick.

A/N: HIIII EVERYONE JUST WANTED TO SAY HI!! And also this is kinda my FIRST fanfiction that I'm going to take seriously (lol) so PLEASE HANG WITH ME!! AND Yall Valion shippers, you shouldnt be reading this....because this fanfiction is COMPLETELY UTTERLY TOTALLY DEVOTED TO CORVAL!!! So okay, imma go hide now from the mob of Valion shippers


*runs away*


*ends up in Valemnia*

*says hi to Corval*

*runs away again* 

*steals Aneeka's gun*


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