Chapter 1

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Star hurried around her room desperately trying to stuff everything she needed for the academy in her satchel. She was finally old enough to go to Jade Mountain. Well, she'd been old enough a year ago, but her parents hadn't allowed it. They'd said that she should wait another year. Star had begged and begged to go, but had been denied. Now that she was getting her wish however, she wasn't sure if she wanted to go.

"Star!" Star jumped as her father called her name, "It's time to go!" When she didn't immediately come he called, "Scatteredstars! We're going to be late!"

"I'm coming! I'm not sure I'm packed all the way!" she yelled back, becoming frantic. After weeks of worrying and trying to figure out all the things she'd need, she still hadn't been ready.

Winter walked in. "I'm sure you're all ready to go," he said in a slightly exasperated voice, as he knew exactly what she'd been doing the whole week before today. His mind hummed quietly because of his Skyfire. The peaceful tone of it helped to soothe Star somewhat.

"Ok," she replied uncertainly as she draped her bulging satchel over her back and followed Winter into the main part of the house. Her mother Moonwatcher was waiting by the door.

"Have a good time at school," she said wrapping her wings around her. Star leaned into her and tried to keep her worried thoughts quiet but- "Don't worry," said Moon out loud, "You'll be fine, I was just as worried as you when I went to Jade Mountain." Star got a flash of images, Moon as a dragonet huddled against a bigger Nightwing on a ledge, many dragon tribes walking through an archway into the mountain, a large blue Seawing with many pearls dropping off a small pinkish one and a dark green one, the larger Nightwing flying away, and Moon ducking into the archway. "Maybe even more so," Star was jolted out of these images by her mother's voice, "because the Dragonets of Destiny had just told everyone that the Nightwings had lost their powers."

"Yeah, but then they learned the truth," Star replied. Everyone did, she thought, so shouldn't that make me even more nervous?

It's ok my little star, Moon thought smiling down at her, you'll be fine, you'll make new friends and have a great time. Moon suddenly looked sad, and Star new that she wasn't supposed to hear the next part, I wish Storm was going with her.

Star was plunged into her own memories.

"Storm!" Star hissed as they snuck into the rainforest, "that level of noise it makes me think you're not even trying to be sneaky!" She'd heard Queen Glory say that to King Deathbringer a few times when they'd visited, and she was delighted to have been able to use it on her brother.

"I'm trying!" he hissed back, "the window was really small and these bushes are-"

"Shhhh!" You don't want us to get caught, do you? She thought angrily.

No, of course not, he thought back.

Than shut up and let's go!

Ok, bossy.

I heard that.

You were supposed to!

If we weren't trying to be quiet right now I'd tackle you and tie you to a tree!

If I could grumble mentally I would, Storm thought back, but he stopped arguing.

They continued on, only talking when they thought they were far enough away from the house.

They had snuck out because they had really wanted to explore the rainforest, but Moon and Winter had said it was too dangerous for two dragonets. But honestly, what were they supposed to expect, their home was on the edge of the rainforest. Of course they would want to explore.

Wings Of Fire: By The Light Of The Stars (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now