Flower for a Smile (AU)

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This specific one was inspired by a video I saw on Instagram (my spam is nagayto if you wanna follow me) :)

Also, there's some actual swearing in here, just thought I should let you all know before hand.
Third POV

Thomas was sitting in his apartment in New York, staring at the ceiling, phone next to him. He had caught the bored disease.

But not how you think, he was not bored because he didn't have anything to do, he had plenty to do. He was bored of his daily routine, which happens to a lot of people.

Of course, you might think, "then just go outside, find something new to do." That's not the case for Thomas. Thomas was just bored of daily life, doing the same thing. He yearned for something new to do.

Right as he thought that, his cellphone started ringing.

"Hello?" Thomas said dully.

"Tommy! Get your bloody ass outside, we're going to do something original today," Thomas' friend Newt happily replied. Thomas could imagine the big smile on his face.

"Please don't tell me we're going to the retirement home again. I still remember that smell of edge-of-death," Thomas replied, and Newt laughed.

"No silly, we're not doing that. And that's rude, they loved you," Newt said as Thomas rolled his eyes.

"Okay then what are we doing?"

"It's a surpriseeeee," Newt gushingly said, and Thomas once again rolled his eyes, a smile on his face.

"Okay okay fine, I'll be there in like ten minutes."

"Alright!! See you soon, Tommy," Newt cheerfully said, and hung up.

Now, Thomas wasn't very oblivious, and knew that Newt had a giant crush on him. I mean, it is kind of obvious.

Thomas got  dressed and fixed up his hair and made his way to the elevator. When he walked in a small girl holding a single rose was with her mom. They both looked happy.

Thomas didn't think much of it until he walked outside to see Newt standing outside with a few bouquets of roses.

"Newt, what the fu-"

"TOMMY!!!! Grab some bouquets!! I'll explain in a minute," Newt said, shoving some bouquets into Thomas' arms and rushing towards Central Park, which was right by Thomas' apartment.

When they got to a bench Newt sat down, Thomas sitting next to him.

"Okay, so-"

"Newt, what the fu-"

They both started to say at the same time, and laughed when they realized.

"Okay Tommy, so you know how I'm a people-pleaser, right?"

"Yes, very much so," Thomas said, and Newt elbowed him.

"Well, I was thinking we could give people a flower!! Like, a flower for a smile, you know? It'll be great," Newt explained, and Thomas frowned.

"So we're basically going to give random strangers flowers?" Thomas replied.

"Well, yeah, I mean, I saw a video of a little kid doing it-"

"Newt, we're twenty year old men, I don't think anybody wants a flower from us, except maybe teenage girls," Thomas said, and Newt laughed.

"Shut up, just give it a try," Newt begged, and Thomas reluctantly agreed. They both got up and walked two separate ways to give flowers.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2016 ⏰

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