Chapter 5: Two Sides of a Coin

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The room fell silent, save for the choking noises gurgling in the air. The bunny monster, and even Grillby, stood in shock as they stared down towards Sans and Gaster.

White, sharp claws tightly gripped Gaster's throat as he desperately tries to rip off the tightness around his neck. Furious purple eyes choked against the hungry grip as cracking noises came out between Gaster's head and the wall he was being crushed into.

"L-let go of me, you imbecile!"

'Sans' paused for a bit, as if thinking whether to let go or not.

"...Nah, no thanks. Don't think so." Sans grinned, before slamming Gaster's head multiple times into the wall with a ferocity that can be compared to a wild beast.

This Sans... It feels very wrong. This can't be Sans. He felt fake, but he'd never felt ever so true and real before. My soul pounded with anxiousness. Fearful anticipation ringing out.

Gaster raised one arm, flinging forth angry bones without hesitation behind the smiling skeleton.

Without looking back, Sans winked and the bones exploded with a loud bang.

"Wow doc, you, uhh, really like to swing those things around eh?" Sans grinned down at the flailing scientist.

"Thanks for throwing me a bone. How about I also give you something else in return?"

With glee, Sans slammed Gaster's head into the wall, the huge impact leaving a giant crater in the pounded spot.

Gaster groaned, exhaustion reflecting on his face, despite being a skeleton.

Sans looked unimpressed. Amused even.

"Gee doc, I haven't done anything fun yet. Sheesh, so impatient." Sans made little clicking noises inside his skull.

The demon guard abandoned their fight with their enemy, except for Grillby, and head straight to the grinning skeleton.

Suddenly, souls flashed blue, pulling down the captured demons directly to the ground. The opposing demons shivered and twitched from the force, raising up their heads with a struggle. Their heads flopped down with a crash.

Sans winked, a laugh working his way from his throat. "Jeez, you guys are rude. Me and lil ol' Gasty here are just about to have fun." He held up a long bone, roughly jamming it in the space between Gaster's radius and ulna. Gaster let out a pained cry, only to glare hatefully towards Sans' glee.

"Mmm... We're just getting started you know. I know for sure that you will enjoy this." Sans' hummed, his eye sockets curved up in amusement... and laced in malice and hate.

My body can't move. It's not like there's any magic to hold me down, but... the sheer animosity radiating from his body is suffocating. Air that I didn't even know I'm holding down my throat threatened to come out.

Yet something within me pounds anxiously, that any sort of movement may be... dangerous. Risky even. Especially how Sans is just itching to rip apart anyone that comes near him. Like a hungry predator awaiting any movement from his prey.

"Y-you...! How dare you inflict harm towards me! I command you to release me at once!" The scientist yelled out. "Punishments will be reduced to a certain extent once you heed to my orders," Gaster growled. "But it is not like your sentence will be light."

Sans paused again, but this time, he looked more excited.

"Mmm? Nah. No thanks. I'll just do things my way."

Peace Doesn't Come After Death- Undertale AU Fanfic (Reborntale)Where stories live. Discover now