Shocks and doubts

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Niall's P.O.V.

Mornings after stormy nights are always unbeliveably pleasant and soothingly chilly and it's just nice waking up to the sight of sun shining, the minty scent of fresh air (in case you keep a window open through the night, which I don't) the sound of birds singing and it feels like the rain had washed away all your problems while you were sleeping.

At least that's how I felt the next day when I woke up. I felt refreshed, reborn, rested and very calm. I rubbed my eyes with my hands and yawned while stretching my legs so my feet were already peeking over the mattress. I turned over to the side and wrapped my arm around Harry's warm shoul....

Wait, what?!

''What the...'' I jumped up, pulling the thin bed linen with me exposing Harry's bare chest. My eyes fell out at the sight; because he was lying shirtless next to me the whole night and because he was fucking gorgeous. Wait, I'm shirtless too!!!

''Whoa, whoa, what ya doing, big boy? It's early, let me sleep.'' Harry groaned. My sudden moves must have woken him up. 

''What happened last night?'' I asked still in shock. I only had one beer, how come I not remember why Harry is naked in my bed.

''We just slept together.'' Harry said as if it was the most ordinary thing in the world.

''We what?!''

''No, not slept slept, Niall. Just slept, as in the same bed. Relax, friends do that all the time.''

''They do?''

''Yeah'' he giggled and pulled me back next to him.

I was breathing heavily but I now remembered last night and how Harry was too tired to move so I suggested he stayed with me.


Harry's P.O.V.

The hallway's coffee scent led me straight into the kitchen where I could hear the other boys having a conversation full of whispers and playful laughter. I couldn't help but notice they stopped talking right after I entered the kitchen. They all looked at me with suspicious expressions on their faces; Liam's parenting face was full of judgment but still with a hint of approval, Zayn was hiding his cheeky grin behind his cup of coffee and Louis' eyes were piercing me with his sassines, one brow higher than the other for a more dramatic effect.

''Good mornin' guys?'' 

''Oh, cut the crap, Harry.'' Louis was the first to open his mouth, of course. ''Tell us what happened last night.'' he said cheerfully while Zayn giggled and took a sip of his coffee.  

I tried so hard to hide a smile that was insisting to grow on my face but Louis is trained in detecting micro expressions on one's face so there's not many chances you could hide something away from him, especially when you've been friends with him since forever. 

''We're waiting.'' Louis kept pushing me.

''Louis, please don't act like one of those teen girls at sleepovers who say 'Don't leave out any details' and 'Tell us all the dirty parts' or 'Did he cum inside you?' and other crap like this.''

Louis' eyes widened.  ''Did he cum inside you??'' I wasn't sure at that moment whether he was joking or not.

''Who came inside who?'' Niall suddenly appeared at the door. I turned around on my heel and stuttered ''U-uh...nothing'' 

''We were just curious about your late-night adventures.'' Louis teased. 

Niall's face was entirely flushed with red in just a second, not only his cheeks but his whole face! He looked kinda cute but the situation was really awkward. 

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