Group Chat

21 4 1

I_Leik_Waffelz,MagicalFlame,Eye_of_the_Tiger,and Dove joined the Chat Room.
I_Leik_Wafflez: I leik waffles :P
MagicalFlame: Greystripe  is that you?
I_Leik_Waffelz: Yesh :3
I_Leik Waffelz: O.O
MagicalFalme: Wut da...
Pool_of_Ivy joined the Chat Room.
Pool_of_Ivy: Sorrey she got into the Catnip again...
I_Leik_Waffelz: Ooooooooooooo...
MagicalFlame: Okay...
Pool_of_Ivy and Dove left the Chat room.
Ghost_of_a_Legend and Spot_the_Leaf joined the Chat Room.
Ghost_of_a_Legend: Sup guys
MagicalFlame: SPOTTED LEAF :D
Spot_the_Leaf: Hi. It's very lonely in the void. But to bring me back we need a SACRAFICE!!!!!!!!
Eye_of_the_Tiger: SACRIFICE FIRESTAR!!!!!!!
Ghost_of_a_Legend: Sacrafice your face Tigerstar ):U
Eye_of_the_Tiger: How did you know it was me?! D:
Ghost_of_a_Legend: Your Screenname and your attitude bruh
I_Leik_Waffels: We still haven't found out who Ghost_of_a_Legend is...
MagicalFlame: O.o
Holly_Berry,Lion_of_Fire and BlueJay joined the Chat Room.
Eye_of_the_Tiger: Wow really creative names
Bluejay: Hey rude ):U
Holly_Berry: Great(Terrible) Unlce Tigerstar SHUT UP
Lion_of_Fire: Wait I thought he was our Grandpa
Bluejay: No Leafpool is our mom not Squirrelflight
Bluejay: Lean to be smart bro ):U
MagicalFlame: WHO IS GHOST_OF_A_LEGEND?!??!
Ghost_of_a_Legend: :face palm: ITS MYTHSPIRIT!!!!!
Bluejay: Isn't it obvious?
Holly_Berry: I know right Ghost meaning Spirit and Legend meaning Myth to get Mythspirit.
Lion_of_Fire: Erm...
MagicalFlame: Ooooooo...
I_Leik_Waffelz: I knew that :3
Eye_of_a_Tiger: Knew it
Spot_the_Leaf: Se invited me to come ):T
Ghost_of_a_Legend: Ehhh I'm going to go...
Spot_the_Leaf: Me too...
Bluejay: I think we all are...
Ghost_of_a_Legend,Spot_the_Leaf,Bluejay,Holly_Berry,Lion_of_Fire, and 3 others left the Chat Room.

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