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Monday came by faster than I ever could imagine . I practiced singing History about 2000 times. Now I'm standing backstage with Bella, Mom and Taya. "You got this Sash trust me you know this song better than anyone "says Bella. "ya probably even better than the boys themselves" adds Taya. Mom gives me a hug and then I have to perform . I walk across the stage and a take a deep breath. "Hi what's your name " asks Simon? "Sasha" I say. "What are you going to sing" asks Simon? "History by One Direction " I say. Simon smiles a little . Demi looks bored and Cheryl looks happy and Britney looks well... like she always does. It gets awfully quite and then I start singing . I always get a thrill when I sing. I always have . The words just float out of my mouth without me even trying . It all happen so fast me singing, the crowd screaming and the judges smiling and ... clapping. "Sasha you have a amazing voice " says Demi . I smile . "I think you singed that song better than One direction did says Britney. "Its hard to hit Harry's notes..... but you managed to cover come that" says Simon. I smile. Then they have to decide yes or no . They all say yes . I started  to cry  . "Thank you " I say as I walk backstage.

Afterwards I walk back to my car. They said that I can stay at my apartment but I have to practice singing and I have to come and meet them , and so episodes . I get in my car. Bella went back home and Mom is staying at Taya's .I go back to my apartment . I look for some coffee and I realize that I don't have any. "ugh"i thought. I grab my purse and go out the door to go to a coffee shop. I walk and walk intell I found a coffee shop. I then trip over something and I drop my purse and everything falls out. Someone helps pick it up . I look up and see this man but .... he looks like he is in a disguise . "Wait why would he be in a disguise" I thought. "Here you go love" says the stranger in a British accent. I blush and he smiles. I take my purse from him . Then he smiles and walks away. Then I realize who it was. I look through my purse and find a small note with a number . Nice meeting you love ,call me 12658908 . H

I start screaming and this old couple looks at me funny . i give them a awkward smile and run inside to get my coffee. Star bucks i thought yum .I sit down at a table and I dial the phone number "Harry" gave me. "Helloo " said a man with a Irish accent . "Is this um...... Harry " I ask? "No its Niall your the girl that harry wont stop talking about coffee shop girl " asks Niall? " ya that's me coffee girl" I say with a laugh. "Give me the phone " says a British voice. "Sorry lad " says Niall. "Hello" says Harry? " This is harry " I ask confused ? " sorry about that ... Niall is well weird" says Harry. " its okay " i say. " Do you wanna you wanna um hang out sometime ........ asks harry ? "ya that would be cool and the names Sasha " I say. " Sasha that's a cute name " says Harry. I blush. "I will text you later" I say. "Oh ok....." says Harry . "Unless you still wanna talk " I said. "No its ok I have to do something I will text you around  4 pm ok asks Harry? "ya that's great" I say. "Ok it was nice meting you Sasha " Says Harry. "You too bye" I said. Then he hangs up. I just talked to fricking Harry Styles!! Play it cool Sash I thought. Then I went back to my apartment after I finished drinking my coffee.

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