The Truth

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I awake to the sound of a text message . From Harry. hey I will be over in 12 mins ok? texted harry. ya I said. Niall cant wait to meet you said Harry. lol I said. he does texted harry. I quickly took a shower and changed into a pair of black shorts and a white top. Then Harry just walks right through the door. "Harry" I screamed. "Sorry sash" says Harry laughing . "its ok Styles I say laughing. Harry moves closer and touches my hair and moves it out of my face. "Did you know that your beautiful" asks Harry? " I know that you are " I whispered. Harry leaned in and right as he did that his fucking phone went off. "Its Niall" says Harry. I grab my cellphone and my purse. and walked out the door with Harry on my trail.

Nialls house Is cozy I thought. Someone hugs me from behind me . Its Niall. "Harry has told me so much about you " says Niall. I look at Harry. He shrugs and then smiles. I hug Niall back. Then Niall walks away. Harry puts his hands over my eyes. "Harry what are you doing ; I scream! "look" whispered Harry. I open my eyes and see Liam and Louie. I smile. . " I thought that you guys were you know" I whispered . "we will never be done " whispered Harry. "Good because I wouldn't let you" I say smiling. Liam comes over and says hi and so does Louie but Louie hugged me too. "So this is Sasha " said Louie. "yup" says Harry hugging me.

Later we had dinner and then we played some X-box . Liam and Louie crushed me and Harry, also Niall. "Ugh I give up " said Niall throwing his hands in the air. I look at Harry and we both just burst out laughing . Niall got up get something to eat[as always]. Harry followed him to get some drinks. Louie and Liam just stare at me. I smile . They smile back. "You know he has feelings for you right Sash" says Louie. "as a friend" I said. " no more than that , he loves you" said Liam . Then Niall and Harry come back with some Bud light. They started a new game. I take a sip of my beer. Harry is sitting really close to me. I hold his hand. I looked up into his beautiful eyes. He hold my hand .

When the game was over Liam had to leave and so did Louie. "It was really great meting you Sash " says Louie. "Same" says Liam . They both hug me goodbye. "text me later Sash , have a goodnight" said Louie. I wave goodbye. Then I sit back on the couch with Harry and Niall. "So what do you want to do" asks Niall? "We can watch a movie " I said. "Ok" said Niall. "I vote on Hunger Games " said Harry smiling. "ok then that's it " says Niall. "I'm going to go make popcorn " said Harry. I go and follow him.

He turns around and smiles . I grab some beers for the three of us and Harry puts the popcorn in the microwave . "Sasha" says Harry. "yes" I said. "I know that we have only known each other for a couple of weeks but I really like you " says Harry grinning. " I like you too " I said blushing. He pushed me against the counter and he kissed me. OMG he kissed me !!! I thought. Play it cool ,Sash kiss him back! I thought. I lean in closer to him with his hand on my waist and I kiss him . Then the microwave beeps. I grab the beers and Harry grabs the popcorn . We sit on the couch next to each other. I feel bad for Niall , he doesn't even have a girlfriend wait wasn't he like having this thing with that girl I thought. wait what's her name ? oh ya its like Meg or Julia I don't know I thought. I look over and I see Harry staring intestinally at the TV . I lay my head on his shoulder and he smiles at me. He is ...well passionate about this movie , he thinks its about food haha I thought. Nialls phone goes off." Sorry I have to go and take this " says Niall walking away into the kitchen. Harry moves even closer to me. He is basically grinning ear from ear. I grab his face in my hands and I kiss him , he closes his eyes. Then he suddenly opens his beautiful eyes. "I love those eyes Haz" I mumble. Niall comes in the room laughing. Me and Harrys faces are bright red. "soooo " I said. "Um .. we should get going " Said Harry. "Ya I have things to do but both of you text me " says Niall. I hug him goodbye. Harry hugs Niall goodbye. Then me and Harry leave . He holds my hand as we walk down the stairs. "Where are we going " I ask? "To my place" says Harry. His PLACE???!!! OMG!! he better not be thinking about sex already ! thought . I look up to see Harry staring at me ." And no I'm not going to try to seduce you...yet Said Harry. Yet??? I thought . God help me I'm a good girl ...well at least I was I thought as I looked up at Harry as he opened the door to his Mercedes.

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