stalked by Mr.Galactic

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I was still a little shaken up by that boy but I told myself I would move pass that and hangout with my friends. It was already time when the old people would start arriving. After leaving my luggage with my friends I rushed into the stopping as soon as the water touched my chest, even though a lot of people were here I wasn't going to take any chances. I splashed and dipped until I was tired I went back to sit with my friends who were taking out the food.

After an awesome day at the beach I went and got an awesome dinner from my mom and an awesome hug from my dad but during all the awesomeness I couldn't help but feeling like someone was watching me.
I went to my room feeling paranoid when I checked behind the curtains and under the bed. I walked to the window and looked outside. My heart stopped when I spotted the weird guy I met at the beach today.
At that moment I knew he was stalking me.

When I woke up the next morning I felt much better, but I still packed my bag with pepper spray.
I wasn't taking any chances with creeps who think their from another planet.

After saying bye to my parents I left the house. The road was really empty which was making me fidgety. I picked up my pace looking around to get to an area that had more people.
"Hey", I heard someone call out. I turned around only to spot Mr. Galactic running towards me, I immediately started digging into my bag for my pepper spray. I grabbed it and held it in front me really tight since it was my only defense.
If this had to go fist to fist I definitely Would be murdered.
" I don't want to hurt you" he said holding up both his hands.
"Then why are you following me" my voice was a little shaky but I tried to be as threatening as I could be.
He looked innocent but who knows with creeps these days, you just can't trust any one.
" I'm trying to save your life. You don't even understand the risks I'm taking just to be here." he looked do sincere, my defensed were almost faltering but I has to snap out of it.
" I'm not the one who told you to risk anything." I looked dead into his eyes making sure he knew I wasn't going to back down.
He let out a heavy sigh and put his hands down as if he gave up, but I still didn't let my guard down. I had to be cautious , he was obviously crazy, probably escaped from an asylum.
" why won't you let me help you". his face was changing from innocent to criminal right before my eyes. At that moment I knew I better get as far away from him as I could.
I sprinted towards my friends house with my pepper spray held tightly in my hands just in case he decided to follow.
I repeatedly pressed their buzzer because I couldn't seem to calm down.
Lizzy opened the door with an angry look on her face but when she saw the state I was in she pulled me into the house and up to her room.

After drinking a bottle of water I was calm enough to tell Lizzy what happened she looked at me strangely as if I was the crazy one.
"you don't believe me, do you?" it out was kinda obvious to me. " of course I do, my look is for the boy." we have to investigate him".
Now I was the one giving her the weird look.
"okay, here's what we're gonna do"
"wait a second" I had to cut her off she was taking this to a whole other level " I didn't agree to anything"
She stopped and looked at me.

"anyways, the plan is "

" so you're just going to disregard what I want" again she just looked at me

"the plan is" she continued " you're going to go about you're business as usual and I'm going to follow you and then we will team up and capture him. Then we can put him in my tree house tie him up and interrogate him."
She was smiling like her plan was the greatest thing she ever thought of.
" you're crazy."
" That's why were best friends " she said hugging me

"so are you in" she asked

" do I actually have a choice"

Lizzy seemed to think it was funny because currently she just was laughing do hard tears were running down here face.
"of course you have a choice, I just won't acknowledge it."
I was startled how quick she changed from a happy go lucky to a do as I say attitude.
" our plan is in motion" she said pushing me out her house.

I knew what I had to do and I was ready I was depending on Mr. Galactic to keep being Captain CooCoo

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