New Transportation

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The plan was going great, that is until it went wrong. I was walking down the street and he was following me like we plannedbut then he decided to turn onto the next street. So I ended up being the stalker. He was moving real fast by the time I reached the corner he turned he was out of sight. Then suddenly I heard an engine starting up. Mr. Creeper was coming towards me on the coolest motorbike ever, it was a sleek black one that you couldn't see the tires just the shape of the wheel. I didn't even realize how fast he was going until he was right in front my face looking all handsome and relaxed.
" wow" that's pretty much all I could think of at the moment and how much I wanted to touch this awesome vehicle.

" where did you get that " I was slowly stretching my fingers towards it.
" I brought it from home" he was giving me a look as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

" so you're telling me you rode that all the way from whichever planet you're from" I still did not believe him but the bike was just blowing my mind.

" no, I flew it here in my dirk that I left somewhere and now I'm using my birk to get around on earth. Though I'm starting to realize it draws a lot of attention" his explanation served only to fuel my curiosity, in no way could he possibly expect me to understand that.
"dirk?birk?" I think my face should of shown I was confused but there is nothing wrong helping him out a little.

" you would call a dirk a spaceship and this that I'm on is a birk"

" oh so all your transportations end with irk" he was looking at me as if I was asking a real stupid question.

" almost our airplanes are call
Soars and a few others " a small part of me was beginning to believe him though I was still fighting it.
I mean I always believed in aliens, after all the universe is a big place but I just can't believe aliens want to hurt me.
" so what's your name?"
I was getting really tired of making up names for him after all we were bonding
" I am Demetri" I liked his name a lot I'd name my son that
"what's yours?"

"My name is winter" despite everything I liked my name. You would think it was common but it's actually not.

" so why were you following me?" I could tell by the smug look on his face that he just wanted to embarrass me.

"well, for your information I wasn't following you I just remembered I needed to visit my aunt." I internally applauded my self for coming up with such a good lye so fast.

" so go ahead" oh so he wanted to play that game

" I no longer want to go I have to go check on Lizzy " by the way where is she. If she ditched me I'm going to be so mad I might just... I don't even know because I'm so mad.
" you need a ride"

" on that thing, with you.
You must be mad"

" I've been called worse " his laughter was irritating me more than the fact Lizzy left me here by myself with a psycho. God I was angry.
" do you want the ride or not" he seemed to be getting impatient so I had to decide quickly.

" okay" I knew it was crazy but I was really tired " you know my address, stalker "

" yes. Yes I do".


The ride here was really scary we were going so fast I could hardly tell one house from the next.

He dropped me off at my gate and even though he brought me to my house without asking for my address I wasn't surprised one bit

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