Chapter 2- What Did He Mean?

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Later that day, the lads returned from their interview. “Hello!” Louis yelled. “Hello!” I yelled. They all walked into my room. “How was the interview?” I asked. “It was…good” Louis said. Suddenly, all the lads burst out laughing. Louis face turned red. “Shut up guys!” he yelled. “What happened?” I asked. “The interviewer brought you up” Harry said. “Oh, ok, so?” I asked. “So he asked Louis how you were doing” Liam said. “Then?” I asked. “Louis said you were good” Zayn said. “Ok?” I asked. Niall couldn’t get words out, he was laughing so hard, so the others kept talking. “Then he asked how things were between you, and Louis, not thinking in that way, said good” Harry said. “Ok, then?” I asked. “The interviewer asked oh, so the relationship is good?” Zayn said. The boy burst out laughing again, Louis covered his face with his hands. “The interviewer thought you 2 were dating!” Liam said. All the boys fell to the ground and continued hysterically laughing. Louis moved his hands away from his face, his face was as red as Niall’s skin when he gets sunburned. “It was SO embarrassing!” Louis said. “Oh come on Lou, I actually think it’s kind of funny” I said. The lads finally could breathe and got up. “See Louis, this is why we love Natalie” Niall said. “She’s so laid back and can take a joke” Zayn said. “I can take a joke!” Louis yelled. “Um…no you can’t Lou, sorry to say” Harry said. “Fuck you Harry” he said. They all laughed again. “Alright, let’s calm down and head downstairs, let’s watch TV or something” Liam said. We all went downstairs and turned on the TV. Suddenly, the lads popped up on the screen. “Hey! It’s our interview!” Liam said. “Oh good god” Louis said. “Here Natalie, you can hear the interviewer talk about you and Lou” Harry said. Suddenly, the interviewer turned to Louis. “So Louis, I heard you and the lads are spending some time with Natalie Roach” he said. They all nodded. “Yep” Louis said. “How is she doing?” he asked. “She’s good, she’s good” he said. “So, how are things between you 2?” he asked. “Oh, things are good” Louis said. “Oh, so the relationship is good?” he asked. The lads started cracking up, Louis looked confused. “Wait? What?” he asked. Harry tapped on Louis. “He means it in a romantic way you idiot!” Harry said. “Wait, aren’t you and Natalie dating?” the interviewer asked. Louis’ eyes grew wide and his face turned red. “WHAT!? NO!” he yelled. The lads fell off the couch and onto the floor, the interviewer looked at them weirdly. “I’m so sorry Louis, my mistake” he said. Louis looked away. “It’s ok” he said. The lads turned off the TV and started laughing again. Louis stood up in anger. “Fuck all of you!” he said. He ran off into his room. The lads stopped and looked at me. “Man does he love you” Zayn said. “Well yeah, we’re the best of friends” I said. “No, not in that way” Niall said. I looked at all of them, they all smiled. “What do you mean?” I asked. “Oh come on” Zayn said. “Isn’t it obvious?” Niall asked. “Um…I guess not” I said. “Louis is totally in love with you” Harry said. “What!? Come on guys, be real here. You know damn well Louis and I are best friends, nothing more” I said. “Believe what you want, you’ll see soon enough” Liam said. Those words got me thinking, what did he mean by that?

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