Chapter 10

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“Are you sure about this?” I asked, as we pulled into the school parking lot,” I mean… I can already tell that a bunch of girls are going to be unhappy.”

“Everything is going to be alright,” Chase replied sending me a smile,” Besides, if anyone bothers you; I’ll come to your rescue.”

I watched as Tyson rolled his eyes in the rearview mirror and I let out a sigh,” Promise me that if anything happens to me, that one of you will take care of Hunter for me.”

“Stop being dramatic and get out of my car,” Tyson said with a smile,” You’re going to be fine.”

I let out another sigh as I got out of his jeep. Chase quickly got out of the passengers side and he wrapped his arm around my shoulders, giving me a little squeeze.

“Lets get this day over with,” I sighed.

“That’s my girl,” He whispered, kissing the top of my head.

We slowly made our way towards the front doors and I couple feel people’s eyes on us. I ignored them the best that I could, but I couldn’t help by peak with the corner of my eye. A bunch of girls were glaring at me and I saw Kimi practically fuming.

“I’ll see you later alright,” Chase said as we got to my locker,” Don’t forget to bring your paint brushes to art.”

“I’ll remember,” I replied with a smile as I opened my locker up.

“Alright,” He kissed the top of my head again before he headed towards his first class.

I shut my locker with a small smile and I froze when I turned and found Kimi standing there with her hands on her hips. She had a glare on her face and I quickly looked away from her and I went around her.

“He’s only using you, you know,” She said, making me stop,” He’s only using you to make me jealous.”

“I don’t think so,” I replied, turning my head towards her,” You didn’t see his face when he saw you with that guy in the hall. You completely crushed him. So I highly doubt he’s using me to make you jealous.”

I quickly turned back around and I headed towards my class.

My first two classes seemed to blur together. I don’t remember learning anything. I mostly paid attention to what people were saying around me. Most of it, was about Chase and I. And when I walked into the Indesign room, all of the talking stopped. I kept my head down as I made my way towards my table and as soon as I sat down, I felt someone wrap their arm around my shoulders.

I looked up a little to see Chase there, and he whispered,” Hey. How was your morning so far?”

“It could have been better, if people would quit looking at me,” I whispered back with a grimace,” And Kimi stopped me in the hall, saying that you are only using me to make her jealous.”

“Don’t listen to a thing she says,” He said with a frown,” I would never do something like that.”

~ I sure hope not~ I thought as I leaned into him, saying,” I just can’t wait until people find something else to talk about, besides our relationship.”

“Me too,” He replied with a sigh as the teacher walked in.

“How was school?” Dad asked from my bedroom doorway.

I turned towards him, pausing on my homework as I said,” It was alright. I just wish people would find some other source of entertainment.”

“I take it people were talking about Chase and you?”

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