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Hey guys,

Sorry for not updating... I've had a friend living with me for the past seven months and I kicked her out because she was lying to my mom and I over the stupidiest things. She has been lying to all of our friends... So basically I've been stressing out with her middle school drama and trying to set things straight with all of them. She's basically telling them her side of the story and saying that my mom and I are the bad guys, when in fact that she was suppose to pay $200 a month for rent, wash dishes, do her own laundry, etc... But she never did them, just sat on my mom's computer for more then 12 hours a day and she wouldn't shower for weeks... I had to do all of it besides paying rent and doing the dishes. And to top it off she is bi/ or think she is (there is nothing wrong with that. I'm a full supporter for gay rights) And she dated one of my other friends for a while. But a couple of years ago this friend was dating my best friend's (practically my sister's) older brother... Well my ex-roommate called her one day and basically asked her if it was alright to date her ex... In other words, she asked her ex to date her ex's ex... And the first rule of girl code is to never date your friend's ex... That's started the drama with all of our friends and I been so distracted in trying to set everything straight, I barely passed my classes at the end of the semester because of it. And just recently I found out that one of our friends thought I hated her because of what my ex-roommate has told her. She was shocked to find out that I thought of her as one of my best friends.

And I'm sorry for the rant. But I thought I should give you guys a little insight about what has been happening in my life and to why I haven't been updating lately... I will say that I have Chapter 15 started... I just don't know when it will be up and running.


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