Chapter eighteen

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Chapter eighteen

    I decided not to bug Ally on Saturday evening. The next day though I invited her over. The doorbell indicated that she had arrived. I hurried to my door.

     The door swung open and revealed an expectant Ally. “Hey Ally” I greeted.

    “Hey” she embraced me in a hug “What’s up?” she asked as I ushered her into the apartment.

    “Nothing really, I just want to talk to you”

    “I figured as much from your constant texts this morning making sure I could make it today” she teased.

    “Ok, fine. Let’s just cut to the chase. Soooooo, what happened yesterday with you and Phil when Dan and I weren’t around? Please, please tell me! Phil wouldn’t give me any details yesterday. I’m dying to know” I pleaded.

    “Not a lot happened” she admitted nonchalantly.

    “Ally, stop playing it off like it’s nothing. Just put me out of my misery” I pleaded as we wandered in through the hall and sat down in the living room, around my coffee table in each our chair.

    “Ok, but really it’s not all that exciting. We talked about where you guys were going to start with, and then when we understood that you weren’t coming back the conversation just flowed naturally. We talked about . . . I don’t even remember what we really talked about. Just normal things I guess. Everything and noting at the same time if you know what I mean”

    “Ally, I definitely understand, but you’re not really giving me anything. I want details. Were you smiling at each other? Were you flirting? What did he say? What did you say? Do you think he likes you? I mean obviously he likes you, but do you like him? Of course you do, but just what happened?” I was babbling, but I couldn’t put what I wanted to say into words, so I just spit a few random ones out and hoped the message would seep through.

    “Yeah, ok. I know, you want every detail, you want to know what we said, how I felt when he said different things, how I think he felt when I said different things. You should also know that that’s really hard. To describe the whole setting and feeling around things. I guess I’ll just have to try anyway” she seemed to just get me some times.

    “So?” I asked expectantly.

    “Ok, where do I begin?

Ally’s flashback

    Sarah suddenly stood up with Dan in tow.

    “We’ll be back” she announced before dragging Dan after her out of the room and down the hall.

    I wondered where they were going and why they absolutely had to leave me alone with Phil right now. I looked up at Phil; he didn’t seem to have a better clue. He looked down into his lap avoiding looking up at all. For a few minutes I sat there just looking around the room trying to come up with something to say.

    “So, you think they’re coming back?” I asked tentatively.

    Phil looked up, almost like he was surprised that I was talking to him “I don’t know” he finally answered.

    “I’m starting to think they’re not coming back” I laughed weakly after another minute of silence between Phil and me.

    “I think you’re right. I guess it’s a scheme to try to get us to talk to each other or something” he said.

    “Sounds like something Sarah would come up with. I guess we don’t really have a choice then” I decided. We both looked away, neither of us knowing how to start the conversation. I hadn’t been this childishly shy around a guy since secondary school. It was like I was twelve again with a crush who I’d never actually talked to, but who’s initials I wrote together with mine on the back of my notebook in class like we were getting married. Ally Lester didn’t sound too bad actually. Goodness, what had gotten into me?

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