The Five Horsemen

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The crowd watched the empty stage impatiently, chattering away as they waited for the big act. The horsemen were standing backstage, looking extremely nervous but excited. They were all just magicians who a year ago hardly nobody had hear of their names. And here they were, about to perform to hundreds of people.

Athena paced around backstage, going over the plan in her head. Hopefully, it would all go smoothly.

After what seemed like hours but was only minutes, a man wearing a all black strode into their large dressing room. "You're up," he said simply before spinning around and walking out of the door.

They glanced at each other nervously, but all of them wore the same encouraging smiles.

"Let's go then," Athena sighed happily, walking out of the changing room.

Just as they were about to enter the stage Athena heard the booming voice of the announcer. The five horsemen appeared on the huge screens they set up, introducing them all.

"Merritt McKinney!" He announced, and Athena could picture the older man standing tall with a serious expression on his face.

"Henley Reeves!" The fiery redhead showed up on the screen, flashing the crowd a pretty grin.

"J. Daniel Atlas!" Of course Danny wore a smug look on his face as he beamed on the screen.

"Athena Stark!" Athena could see her mouth stretching in a wide smile, her blue eyes bright with happiness.

"And Jack Wilder!" Jack smirked towards the crowd, lifting his head up slightly, showing his Adam's apple. Athena could definitely hear a few wolf whistle, and looked to Jack who was blushing furiously. 

She didn't even hear the last bit as she struggled to contain herself from laughing. Surely with his looks Jack would be used to having a few wolf whistles. The last thing she saw before heading out to the stage was Jack, on the screen, throwing the card. Athena loved his card tricks.

As they all appeared on the stage, the crowd roared with excitement. Happiness filled Athena as she looked over the crowd, a grin stuck on her lips. She always wished for more people to notice her on the streets, but this was more than she could ever dream of.

As the crowd died down the horsemen walked around stage separately, with matching smiles.

After a bit of small magic tricks that made the viewers go wild, they met up in the middle of the stage to get on with the trick they had been planning for a whole year.

"Thank you!" Merritt called over the hyper crowd. "Tonight we are going to try something that will, well, set us apart."

Henley walked past Merritt, taking the attraction away from him. "For our final trick we are going to do something never seen before on a Las Vegas stage," she grinned, and the crowd waited excitedly.

"Or any stage for that matter," Jack smirked, his brown eyes twinkling. Athena grinned, walking up to Jack.

"Probably because it's quite, uh, well illegal," Athena shrugged, looking up to Jack who rolled his yes jokingly.

They all met in the middle of the stage, all looking rather smug.

"Tonight..." They chorused, and the crowd fell silent hoping to not miss the announcement. "We are going to rob a bank!"

Athena jumped slightly as the crowd screamed and cheered, clapping their hands as loud as they possibly could. Bursting into laughter, she walked down the main stage steps to the lower part, walking around as the other horsemen did.

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