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Despite it only being morning, it already had been a long, intense few hours for the Horsemen. They knew that today would be the today where the FBI would find their hideout.

Whilst they waited, they began to empty the apartment of important stuff, burning papers and getting the last few details perfect. 

"You know the plan, right?" Danny asked, rubbing the back of his neck.

Athena turned around to face him, her arms crossed. "Oh no, I just waited till last minute, please go on. Tell me for the hundredth time."

Meritt chuckled from the other side of the room and Jack looked up at her with an amused smile. Sighing, Daniel went back to looking out the window.

Athena watched with gentle eyes as Jack picked up another stack of paper, about to throw them into the fire. His eyes widened as he noticed his death tarot card lay on the table. 

"Guys, I don't know if I can do this," Jack mumbled, a nervous expression on his face. "I don't want to go to jail, you know?" He was trying his best to sound brave, but Athena could sense the shakiness in his voice.

"Then don't screw it up," Danny barked, looking up with a harsh glare. "You're always talking about wanting to be treated like an adult. Now might be a good time to start acting like one. Stick to the plan- stay here and burn it all."

Athena scoffed, shaking her head causing the older boy to look at her. "It's not like you're the one faking your own death, Daniel.  Give him a break."

With a disproving stare, Danny went back to packing up the last bits. 

Athena returned to helping Jack throw the papers into the fire. Gratefully, he looked up at her with a half hearted smile.

"I don't even know why I'm here," Athena sighed softly, looking to the other horsemen. 

Yes, it was great finally being known and being able to help the less fortunate.  But was it worth the risk of landing a lifetime in jail?

"I'm here for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, then I'm gone," Meritt answered.

Athena bit the inside of her cheek, feeling a slight pang in her chest. After all they had been through and he was just in it for the money?

"You can do whatever you want when this is over," Henley snapped, "but until then,you stick to the plan."

They continued to do their indivual jobs in silence,every now and then Athena would cast a protective glance over to Jack.

"Guys," Danny gulped, "They're here..."

In unison, the Horsemen looked at each other in apprehension.

Anxiously, Athena ran a hand through her hair as the others left. It was just her and Jack, burning the remains of the paper.

Her hands were visibly shaking as she thrown the last of her pile into the fire.

"Jack," she mumbled shakily, her heart beat going wild. He looked up, looking as worried as she was feeling. "I'm scared..." Admitting to something like that wasn't what Athena would usually do, she hated admitting to something that would make her seem weak. But she had to, and Jack would understand. 

His soft smile made everything seem like it was going to be okay again,  his doe brown eyes calming her. "Same," he chuckled, "but we can do this."

Athena nodded, and without any warning she crashed into him. Her arms wrapped around the back of his neck, pulling him close into a tight hug. Almost instantly, his arms wrapped underneath hers, and they stood there for a moment. Pressing her head into his neck, she took a deep breath.

"If we're going to fake our death, let's make it a good show," Athena smiled,  pulling away. Jack nodded.

Suddenly, the door was burst open.

"Shit," Jack jumped, and whispered for Athena to hide.

The plan wasn't going quite as Danny had wanted. Athena was meant to leave before the cops came and find the car for them both, but she had obviously lost track of time.

With one last glance at Jack, who was scaling the bookcase, she quickly jumped into her bedroom, leaving the door open a millimetre. 

To be honest, she wasn't to worried about how obvious her hiding place was. Jack would have began his plan by then.

It all happened so quickly.

Dylan and Jack were heard having a fight outside the room, causing Athena to almost faint at one point. Somehow,  Jack had managed to tie one officer down the garbage disposal.

Athena jumped as she heard someone fall onto the floor. Taking a peak through the door, she noticed Jack sprawled on the floor.

"Shi- Jack get up, get up," Athena muttered to herself, and sighed in relief as she noticed him scramble up a pack of cards.

"Really?" Rhodes said sarcastically as Jack revealed his secret weapon.

"Yep," Jack replied, his voice dripping with the same sarcasm. Skilfully, he threw the cards at Rhodes, knocking him back a couple of inches.

Athena smiled, her eyes lit up. "That's my boy," she whispered under her breath, stepping back from the door.

She waited, and heard Jack and Rhodes race from the apartment door.

As fast as she could, she began to race across the apartment until a pair of hands grabbed her arms from the back of her.

"Got you!" The cop smirked. It was the one Jack had tied down.

Athena waved her arms in his grip, sending her jacket to the bottom of her hands. Tugging her arms away from him, she tied his hands together and pushed him backwards into the kitchen, sending him flying onto the floor.

"Got you!" She imitated before rushing down the stairs.

Luckily, there was no more obstacles as she got onto the busy street, and Jack was just walking out, attempting to act casual. Athena ran up to him as he successfully tied two people's hands together and jumped into their car. She leapt into the passenger seat. 

"Good job, Wilder," Athena grinned, raising an eyebrow as he began to speed off down the traffic riddled roads.

He took a quick glance at her,  looking semi-relieved.

"The jobs not over yet," he mumbled, running a hand through his messy hair.

Athena looked to the side, taking him in. His black hair was ruffled and sticking up in places, his jaw clenched in concentration and anxiety. The doe brown eyes which were usually so calm were darting around, trying to find the best way to dodge a car,  or a bike.

"Done staring, Stark?" Jack added cockily, despite the entire situation.

"Well if we're going to die we might as well make the most of it," Athena grinned, without a trace of embarrassment.

Her hand reached up to grip the handle as they turned a tight corner, turning onto the bridge. 

This was it. This was what decided the entire future of the two. Within the next two minutes they could be speeding of the bridge with winner faces, or crashed in the lane in a fiery ball of flames...

Well here it is! Sorry it took so long, school is driving me up the wall with all this homework.

Athena casually just staring at Jack whilst they are on a high speed chase whatever makes you happy Athena haha.
Hopefully the new chapter will be out much sooner haha

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