Car Chase

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The car sped across the road leading to the bridge, skidding on the corner. Athena held her breath as her hand gripped onto the handle above her, her heart pumping in her chest. 

Her eyes drifted to Jack, wondering how he must be feeling. If they didn't do this stunt perfectly, then the two would be dead in a matter of minutes.

"Come on," Jack mumbled continously, his eyes flickering to the rear view mirror every so often. 

Silently, Athena shifted in her seat, noticing the police car behind them.

The adrenaline was almost unbearable  as the stolen vehicle weaved between many other cars,  horns blaring and tyres screeching as they did. Finally, the bus that the three other horsemen were driving came into view.

"Come on,  Jack," Athena gulped,  yelping as the car lurched to the side, going slightly up the wall.

"Shit," Jack spat,  managing to gain control over the car once again as he sped passed the bus.

The relieved faces of Henley, Meritt and Danny smiled at them through the bus window as Jack and Athena drove passed.

The dummy car was released with a fake Jack and Athena sitting in the front.

Athenas grip loosened on the handle as they managed to turn off the bridge. 

Behind them, the clone car was in a fiery ball of flames, the cops standing far away. A smile crept on her lips as Athena leaned back into the seat, letting out a long breath.

"Jack, you're amazing," Athena beamed, clapping her hands together. An overwhelming feel of happiness and relief flooded through her as Jack drove through the city streets.

He took a quick glance at her, a smug expression on his face. "I know," he grinned. Instead of retorting back as she usually would, Athena let him have his moment. He had just survived his fake death. 

The two continued to drive for what seemed like hours, knowing now that the five horsemen were to be separated.  Jack and Athena had to complete their part of the task before any reunion could be held.

Despite feeling overcome with joy, a slight pang was in her heart for her friends and family who currently thought she was dead. Her parents may have never agreed with her magician stuff, but she still loved them with every piece of her heart.

"Do you think my parents will be mad at me?" Athena asked suddenly as the car turned down the motorway. 

Jack raised an eyebrow. "Mad? When they see you I think all they're going to be feeling is relived," he smiled softly,  continuing to drive.

They must've been driving for around three hours until they finally reached another small town. Danny had already booked a hotel for them, in different names of course.

"Uh, David Rogers and Kim Woods?" The receptionist glanced at the two, seeming rather bored.

Athena leant forward on the high desk, resting her arms on it.  "That's us," she replied, an equally bored tone.

"Right, room 44, enjoy your stay," the receptionist said,  as if he had rehearsed it many times before.

Jack took the keys from him, and led the way up the stairs. 

The two entered the room, feeling exhausted. Immediately, Athena headed towards the bedroom, not bothered about being fully clothed.

"Is there only one bedroom?" Jack yawned,  standing besides the door ss Athena jumped onto the double bed.

"Yeah," Athena mumbled, slightly muffled.  "Danny you cheap ass. "

Jack sat besides her as she sat up, her messy hair straying from her ponytail.

"I'll have the bed," Athena smirked, returning the sarcastic look on the boys face.

"That's not fair," Jack groaned, crossing his arms and pouting like a small child.

Quietly, Athena laughed, her mouth open in a toothy grin. Jack couldn't keep the pout as he watched her, and a smile soon appeared on his face.

"Well you're defiantly not staying in with me, so off you pop," she grinned, poking his chest before pointing to the living room. To be fair, the sofa could turn into a bed.

That night the two slept like lambs until late in the morning. They had plenty of time to themselves for a couple of weeks, and they grew closer and closer by the day. Although Athena missed the others, and missed performing, she was glad she was spending her time with Jack. 

But soon the easy life would have to stop, and the next stage of their plan would kick in soon enough...


Sorry for the rubbish, and short chapter. Especially after not uploading for a while but school and horses have got me so busy!

And I just wanted to say thank you so much for 13k readers. I never ever thought I'd get this many, I know a lot of people say that but I'm not used to so many people wanting to read my book!
Thank you for being so active, I love you all!
Hopefully there will be a new chapter up soon!

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