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Athena attempted to throw the cards like Jack did, but they weren't going far. She was making progress, every time they were going slightly further. She had been working on it for almost a hour whilst she had been waiting for the FBI.

They knew that the FBI were going to come to get them, it was all part of the plan. So piled next the door was all of the horsemens bags.

Merritt was lay on the couch, reading his book with an almost bored expression on his face. Even Danny wasn't looking anxious, he was simply shuffling through his deck of cards. Henley had went to get ready whilst Jack was trying to avoid getting pelted by Athena's failed attempt at card throwing.

Suddenly, the FBI burst through the front door, guns pointed at the Horsemen. Whilst Jack wasn't paying attention, Athena threw the card at him, managing to whack him right in the head.

"Ow!" He rubbed his head, glancing to Athena. She couldn't help but burst into laughter at his little face, even with plenty of guns facing their way.

"Hands up!" They roared, and Athena sighed. Lazily, Jack done a terrible attempt to raise his arms while Danny pretended he had done nothing wrong and innocently raised his hands.

Athena raised her hands, but then raised them into a stretch.

"Aye, I got you there didn't I-"

"HANDS UP!" One of them bellowed, and Athena rolled her eyes.

"Alright, just trying to lighten the mood," she muttered, raising her arms once again.

Merritt raised his hands in a peace sign after moaning about finishing his book, and finally Henley came walking down the stairs.

Instantly, the guns turned to her. Henley didn't even flinch as she stopped calmly, her jacket half on.

"Do you guys want to help us with our bags?"

They were lead down the hotel by the FBI, willingly. Waiting at the hotel check in was hundreds of people screaming and cheering their names.

Athena looked around, her eyes alight. It was magnificent. All these people traveling from God knows where from, just to catch a glimpse of the magicians that a few weeks ago no one had even heard of.

The young girl waved at the crowd, grinning. She couldn't of been more ecstatic, which was a weird thing to feel whilst you were being arrested.

They were thrown into two separate cars, Henley, Jack and Athena in one, and Merritt and Danny in the other.

"Aw, Jack, they think you're a girl," Athena teased, whilst Henley stifled a laugh from besides her. Jack raised a eyebrow, turning to look at her.

"Or maybe they needed someone to control you, crazy person," Jack retaliated, but Athena just rolled her eyes.

"No, I think the first option."

"I second that."

"Henley! You're meant to be on my side."

They continued to bicker throughout the whole ride, most probably driving the officers mad in the front of the car. If these three were that bad, Athena wondered how Danny and Merritt were holding up in the other car.

Even the officers seemed relieved as the car pulled up at the station. The three piled out the car, in a argument about who would win in a fight, Batman or Superman.

"Batman doesn't even have any real superpowers!" Athena crossed her arms, glaring at Jack.

He raised a eyebrow, shaking his head. "He doesn't need superpowers! All he has to do is shove a box of kryptonite in Superman's face and he's beat him!"

Before they could carry on, Merritt and Danny joined the three. The FBI separated the five into different rooms, and as Athena walked past the interrogation rooms, she saw Jack already snoozing, and Merritt waving at her, even though he couldn't see her.

Athena was handcuffed to the table, despite her protests that she wasn't going to pull out some crazy karate moves on them. She waited, using the chair opposite her to prop her legs on. Her head was gently leant back, her blonde hair trailing down the back of the chair.

Suddenly, two officers walked in the door. The man had curly brown hair and a stern gaze, while a more gentle women with blonde hair followed.

"Good day, officers," Athena smiled, and the women have a polite nod in return. Her eyes turned to the man, who didn't return her words. "Tough crowd," she mumbled, crossing her arms on the table.

"I'm officer Rhodes," he introduced bluntly, "and that's Agent Dray."

The younger girl raised a eyebrow, looking from one officer to another. "Rude way to introduce a lady, Rhodes."

"Officer Rhodes to you," he replied sternly. Before Athena could open her mouth, Rhodes began to speak. "How did you do it?"

"Do what?"

"You know what I'm talking about."

"I have no idea-"

"How did you rob the bank!"

"A bank was robbed? Ohmygod is everyone okay?"

The two bounced back and forth like a ping pong ball before Agent Dray interrupted. They managed to talk more calmly, but the officers weren't getting anywhere near a explanation.

"Look, you give us a proper explanation or you'll be thrown in a jail cell," Rhodes snarled, looking thoroughly irritated.

Athena smirked, leaning forward on the table. "You can't arrest us," she almost scoffed, a slight cocky tone in her voice.

"And whys that?" he snapped, not bothering with being polite.

"Because if you did arrest us, which you won't, then there's a slight chance that you, as in the FBI, believe in magic," Athena grinned, seeing the raging look in the officers eyes. "And wouldn't that drive the public crazy? What would they say?"

Angrily, Rhodes stood up. On the other hand, Agent Dray had a inquisitive expression as she looked at Athena.

"We're done here, let's g-"

"Before you pop off, would you mind taking these things off me?" Athena asked, lifting up her hands.

Rhodes scoffed, rolling his eyes. "You think you're going to be released now?"

"Why?" She asked innocently, "afraid I'll just.. slip away?" And suddenly, the handcuffs were lay abandoned on the table as Athena grinned mischievously.

The two agents stared at the younger female, with two completely different expressions. Rhodes might as well strangled her with the expression he had on his face, while Dray looked slightly impressed. Angrily, Rhodes turned to Dray.

"Get security in." And with that, the two left the room. 

Athena waited patiently until security came, pulling her up off the seat. The five horsemen were reunited, all wearing extremely smug faces on their faces. They left the premises, immediately greeted by a private car.

As they piled in, they all congratulated each other, each explaining what they had been questioned about. Danny had completed his mission, and had stole Rhode's phone and replaced it with a chipped one.

Athena grinned, glancing at Jack. His lips were stretched in a smile as they drove onwards. As the trip became longer, the horsemen became silent in tiredness. The younger girl rested her head onto Jacks shoulder, her warm blue eyes slowly drooping.

This was the start of a new adventure, and Athena was glad to be doing this with the people she loved the most.

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