The Robbery

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Nerves rang high in the group as they waited, and waited, and waited. They needed the perfect moment so they could start this risky mission.

Danny and Henley were going to hide under the crate of money (which was meant to be delivered to Crédit Républicain) that was hiding in the van at the delivery services. Deciding it was to risky to hypnotise someone with so much security around them, it was Athena's job to distract the driver until Jack was able to sneak into the van. Athena would then hypnotise the driver to think that he took it, and hopefully Merritt would be waiting for them with the car.

Just as Athena couldn't take no longer, the back of the van unlocked to reveal crates full of money. The delivery people made sure everything was okay before going to finalise the payments. Luckily, the door was left swinging open while the delivery people stood at the front of the van.

Without making a sound, Danny and Henley waved goodbye to the others and snook off towards the back of the van. They managed to shuffle under the crates just as the delivery men slammed the van doors shut.

"Show time," Jack whispered, giving a nervous smile to Athena. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders giving him a quick hug.

"You'll do great, all you gotta do is steal the van, I'll make sure no one gets you, okay?" Athena beamed at him encouragingly. Jack looked the floor, his ears tinging pink but it was unseeable in the dark of night.

Without waiting for a reply, Athena snook off into the night, and managed to catch the driver just before he hopped into the van.

"Wait!" She called, running up to him. The plump man looked disgruntled as he turned round to face her. The dull name badge on his green shirt shown that his name was Garret.

"What?" He asked, crossing his arms impatiently.

"Haven't you heard, Garret?" Athena said, sounding like it was something obvious. "You're not taking this load anymore, Sam is!"

Garret raised a eyebrow, looking very suspicious. "Whose Sam?"

Athena faked a gasp, her blue eyes wide. "You don't know Sam? Sam come over here!" She indicated to Jack, who looked extremely shocked for a moment before his face melted into calmness.

This wasn't apart of the plan, but as long as the man didn't freak out or call security then it would be fine. Athena was going to hypnotise him anyway, but she wasn't very good at it so if something went wrong she had to make sure everything was believable.

Jack stopped in front of Garret, his arms crossed. He raised a eyebrow at the delivery driver, looking down at him slightly.

"You don't know who I am?" Jack tilted his head, a cocky tone to his voice. "I happen to be the new delivery driver for these kinds of deliveries, they need someone that works in the bank, and I happen to be the manager of Crédit Républicain."

Garrett looked nervous as his mouth twitched under his little moustache as he paced on the spot. "Oh no, that's fine, Sid, no Sam, go ahead," he made a attempt at a smile before turning to walk off.

Athena reached forwards, and drew him in close to her. "When I click my fingers you'll be in a deep sleep," she clicked her fingers loudly and the man drooped on the spot. "When you wake up you will think that you took the delivery, and everything went smooth, and when I snap my fingers you'll wake."

Athena turned to Jack, signalling for him to go. Jack beamed at her, amazed that the plan actually worked.

"You smartass," Jack grinned, and Athena shoved him in the chest playfully.

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