Error!Sans x Ink!Sans

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Error's POV

I sat on the ground in the anti-void watching my puppets interact with each other. When I got bored like this I'd set them free from my strings all but one string was around their soul so they could move around freely but still not be able to get free.I watched them chat with each other, some of them were together, so that was something interesting to see. Growing bored of watching them I grabbed their souls, opening an entrance to the room I kept them in and threw them in.I listened to them groan in pain before closing the entrance back up. I sighed going and sitting on the ground, starting to search for a new AU to take the Sans from and destroy.

Ink's POV

I sat looking out the window of my house. I sighed looking back down at the picture I was drawing, it was a picture of Underfell Sans, ripping it out of my notebook I threw it in the trash, not liking the new design very much. I sighed again, looking back out the window. I hadn't been feeling good, so I walked into my bedroom and laid down, soon falling asleep.

Error's POV

I let out a groan. I couldn't find any AUs to destroy. They all looked to easy to destroy. Speaking of AUs I hadn't seen that color freak lately, what was his name again... oh ya ink sans I believe. I stood up closing the glitched entrance to Fantasytale I had opened. I reopened a glitched entrance to Inktale. Welp here goes nothing. I stepped through, expecting to get yelled at by Ink for coming to his AU, but their was just silence. I glanced around before going to his door and pushing it opened, I about fell when it opened. I didn't expect it to be unlocked. I walked in looking around at the tidy living room and kitchen, slowly I looked through every room. I finally came to a room, the door being rainbow colored. I slowly opened the door with a creak, I peeked in only to see a sleeping Ink on the bed, fast asleep.

Ink's POV

I slowly opened my eyes. Sitting up and stretching, only to stop right in my tracks when I saw a figure peaking through the door. Soon recognizing who it was I spoke softly, but with hatred in my voice

" What do you want Error." I spat, glaring at him. He just stared at me.

"Error what the hell are you doing here." I spoke a little louder, confusion clear in my voice. He shook his head and looked at me.

" Wait what." He said looking at me with a confused face.

"What are you doing here." I said, crossing my arms over my chest.

" I um, well you- I hadn't seen you for a while, and I was bored, so I came looking for you." He answered, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. I decided to tease him.

" Awwww did you miss me?" I said, in my best baby voice. He seemed to get lost in thought again. I groaned again, clapping trying to get him to come back to reality. " AU to Error! AU to Error!" I yelled. He jumped a bit and looked back at me.

" No I didn't miss you, I just, ummmmm- I um" Error's voice seemed to glitch more. Then the awkward silence started. I got up and tried to go out the door, but only to have Error block it.

"Error move." I said trying to snake by, grabbing a pillow along the way and smacking him with it. He gave me a devilish smirk

" Did you just...?" I stared at him not getting it, before he grabbed a pillow and whacked me with it. I whacked him back and so on it went. Pillows flew everywhere, laughing filled the air as well. Until I ran at him to hit him and tripped over a pillow on the ground, colliding with him and ending with both of us falling on the bed. We both sat there for a while catching out breaths, until we realized what position we were in. I was on top of Error, on his chest. I blushed a little at this. Suddenly I was picked up and placed on the bed fully. I saw Error start to leave until I caught him by his sleeve.

" Can you... stay for a little- you know what never mind it was stupid question-" I said turning over, and letting go of Error's sleeve . I felt the bed lower and creak. I turned over to see Error pulling the covers up and laying down. He caught my glance, which in return I blushed and turned over. I soon felt two arms go around my waist and pull me close, which I gladly turned over and snuggled into his chest, sighing happily. Right before I fell asleep I heard a soft, glitched voice say,

" I love you."

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