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Science! Sans POV

   I awoke to the sun shining through the curtains, shifting a little. I could have went back to sleep if it weren't for a pair of arms wrapped tightly around me. My body tensed up, as my eyes shot up to look at the owner of the arms. A gasp of shock escaping through my teeth as I was met with a peaceful looking Fell. I gulped a little trying to recall what had happened the night before, soon drawing a blank. I squirmed out of the embrace trying hard not to disturb the other. I let out a small sigh as I got out of the bed, still hearing the soft snores of the other meaning he hadn't been awoken. I crept towards the door,grabbing my glasses off the nightstand next to the bed as I went, I silently opened the door closing it behind me. It wasn't hard to recognize it was his house, as I silently walked down the stairs. I sat down on his couch, resting my head in my hands. I sat there for what seemed like hours trying to recall or grasp any memory. It was obvious they hadn't done anything stupid, I was still dressed and so was he. I glanced over at the empty beer bottles, some scattered on the floor. I sighed that didn't give me any information about the night before. It wasn't like he didn't have a crush on Fell, it was just.

"Ugh." I knocked the beer bottles of the table. This wouldn't mean anything, they were both drunk both of them wouldn't remember anything and they'd go back to being friends. God I hated that word. A soft click was heard, followed by a small creak of a door. I looked over at the steps seeing Fell rubbing his eyes, blanket wrapped around him. His head snapped towards me, as an awkward silence fell between us.

"Do you remember anything from last night?" I asked trying to break the silence. He shook his head, continuing his walk down the stairs. I sighed bringing my knees up to my chest.

"The hell happened here?" He said, kicking a beer bottle out of the way before sitting down next to me. We just sat there both lost in thought. He stood up walking around the back of the couch. I cast a glance in his direction as he walked.

"I'm gonna grab some pills for my headache, you want anything?" He said looking over at me.

"Just some coffee." I said looking down at my feet. He hummed and walked off to the kitchen. He soon returned holding two cups of coffee, steam coming of the tops. He handed me one along with two pills, which I gladly accepted. I popped them in my mouth, taking a sip of coffee to wash it down. I sighed as my glasses got fogged up (I hate when that fucking happens) wiping them clean with my sleeve.

"So you don't remember anything from last night?" I said looking over at Fell with hopeful eyes.

"No not really, its all just a big blur." He said, looking back over at me. I sighed angrily, of course he didn't.

"Let me guess we're gonna act like none of this happened right." I snapped standing up setting my coffee on the table.

"Hey, chill out its not my fault I can't fucking remember." He said, setting his coffee down and standing up as well. I stormed over to the door reaching for the knob before I was blocked by Fell.

"Where are you going, we need to talk about this. Why are you so pissed, your acting like its my fault." He said, moving to the side to block the door more.

"Fell move, I want to go home." I said reaching for the door knob again. He slapped my hand away.

"Your not going anywhere until you tell me why you acting like all this my fucking fault." He said crossing his arms.

"BECAUSE IT IS! IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT FOR MAKING ME FEEL THIS WAY! HAVING ALL MY HOPES CRUSHED WHEN YOU CALL ME A FRIEND! I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU FELL, AND YOUR TO BLIND TO SEE THAT!" I screamed, tears running down my face. I covered my face with my hands, sobbing into them. I heard a shuffle and footsteps. A second later a body was pressed against me as I was embraced by two arms. I felt Fell nuzzle his face into my neck, rocking us back and forth. I sobbed as I took my hands from my face and wrapped them around Fell, crying into the fur of his hoodie.

"I'm sorry for making you feel that way. I love you and don't forget that. I was scared to tell you because I thought you saw us as friends." He said as he pulled back from the hug, rubbing any stray tears away with his thumb. I smiled as I nuzzled my head into his hand.  I let out a squeak as I was picked up and carried to the couch. He sat down pulling me into his lap, grabbing the blanket that had been abandoned on the floor and laying it over us. I snuggled my head into his chest as he turned on the TV. We snuggled for the rest of the day watching random shows and enjoyed each others company.


Thank you for all the reads and votes. I personally don't think I deserve them, I don't even think my stories are really that good. I do appreciate it though, so thank you. I guess just request, because I don't know what really to do next. :l

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