Nightmare x Cross

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Requested by Depressed_wolf_queen

Cross's POV

   "Why can't you do you anything right!" Nightmare screamed, as he smashed a vase on the ground.  He yelled something else, but I was tired of listening. I shrugged and calmly wandered up the stairs, stepping to the side to avoid some other object that was thrown. I quietly open my door, tuning Chara out as they went on about how unbearable Nightmare was. Flopping onto the bed, I stared at the ceiling listening to Nightmare scream to the others about how worthless they were or something like that. At some point I had fallen asleep, not caring if Chara decided to take over or not, it's not like they'd get far anyway with Nightmare having temper tantrum downstairs. 

Nightmare's POV

   I grabbed my skull in frustration, mumbling to myself about how I lost my temper. I stopped pacing, and looked at the ground. God knows how long I stood there, thinking over the events that just took place. My tentacles laid limply at my sides, as my gaze slowly traveled up to the top of the stairs. Sighing calmly, I turned around slowly and made my way towards the door. I dragged my feet, dreading leaving and risking the possibility of running into someone. I stood in the doorway, standing there for longer then I should have. 

   "Fuck it." I growled, swinging the door open and storming out. Not bothering to close it, I teleported away to somewhere I could be alone.

Cross's POV


   A bang echoed throughout the mansion, scaring me out of my sleeping state. My leg was the first off the bed, my body following it. I collided with the floor before I could catch myself, tangling myself in blankets. I huffed in annoyance, debating if I should just stay on the floor and sleep, or actually get up. I groaned kicking the blankets off of me before angrily making my way to the door to yell at who ever decided to slam the door. I quickly made my way downstairs, checking around for any sign of life. The first thing my eyes landed on was the still broken vase on the floor, then to the front door.  A slight gust of wind wandered into the house, as I made my way over to it. I peaked my head out the door, seeing if anyone was still out there. I knitted my eyebrows together in confusion, before turning around and kicking the door shut behind me. I could only imagine it was Nightmare, he's the only one who would take his anger out on a door. I quickly walked up the stairs, advancing further down the hall and turning the corner. I loudly knocked on Dust's door, calling out his name. I heard shuffling before he grumpily opened the door, giving me an annoyed look. 

   "Do you know where Senpai went?" I asked, a grin forming on my face.

   "No." Was the simple response, before he slammed the door on me. My grin being replaced with a bored expression as I rolled my eyes and walked away. If he didn't know, then the others definitely didn't know.  I exited through the front door, thinking of places he would go.

Time Skip

   I was about ready to just give up. My patience was growing thin and I had become bored quite awhile ago. I sat down behind a tree, I didn't even know what AU I was in anymore. I was exhausted and just wanted to go back to the mansion and sleep. Sighing I stood back up, flinching a bit as I put pressure on my sore feet. I lazily looked around, debating where to teleport next. The only place that I could think of was the anti-void, cringing at the thought of Nightmare being there. Last time he went there to get alone time he ended up getting the opposite. I stifled a laugh as I thought back to the memory. 

Flashback Time


   Casually walking into the anti void, hearing yelling was the last thing I expected to hear. I slowly looked to the side, my eyes narrowing as I saw 3 figures in the distance. I cautiously walked over to the figures, which turned into speed walking as I took in the scene before me. Error and Nightmare were screaming at each other about god knows what. Error was holding Nightmare's tentacles behind his back with his infamous blue strings. What topped it all off was the fact that Ink sat calmly with his legs crossed in the background, casually munching on popcorn as the scene before him unfolded. Ink took notice of Cross's presence, and held up the bag of popcorn, silently asking if I wanted some. I looked at the two fighting, before making my way over to Ink and plopping down next to him. We sat there until the two tired themselves out and decided they'd insulted the other enough and headed there separate ways. 

Flashback Over

   I doubt Nightmare would be in the anti void after that endeavor anyways. I perked up when I faintly heard the sound of humming. I traveled deeper into the forest, following the soft melody. Finally the sea of trees cleared out into an opening, where a lonely figure sat in the middle. I could instantly tell it was Nightmare, who else had black goop covering there body. I peaked out around a tree and listened as he continued to hum the unknown melody. I was startled out of my daze when he stopped humming and spoke.

   "I know your there Cross." He called, looking in my direction from where he was sitting against a dead tree. I tentatively walked out from my hiding place, making my way up the hill where Nightmare was. I just stood there awkwardly, more interested in the grass then the skeleton in front of me. Nightmare silently patted the spot next to him, not even sparing a glance at me. I inched forward, still confused if he was mad at me or not.

   "Jesus Christ just fucking sit Cross." Nightmare growled, impatiently looking up at me. I rushed forward and quickly sat down, bumping shoulders with Nightmare in the process. I mentally cursed at my self for being clumsy and glanced up at Nightmare to see if he was mad. His face was still as calm as before and he was more focused on something in the distance then on me. We sat there in silence for a few minutes before he began to hum again.

   "Where'd you learn that tune?" I quietly asked, afraid if I talked any louder I'd shatter the calm atmosphere. He abruptly stopped humming and looked over at me with an unreadable expression. I tensed up, regretting even asking. I was shocked though when his expression softened and his gaze traveled to the forest in front of us.

   "Dream and I use to hum it when we would tend to our sides of the tree." He finally muttered out, glancing back to look at me again. I silently said oh and looked back down at my hands. He began to hum again, as we sat in comfortable silence. My eyes began to droop shut as my exhaustion caught up to me. My eyes fluttered shut at I was lulled to sleep by Nightmare's humming. I faintly remember falling to the side and being pulled into a warm embrace. 

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