ErrorInk (Lemon)

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Error's POV



   Doge (


"GIVE UP ALREADY!" Ink screamed across the judgment hall throwing another attack at me. I dodged the attack easily by sliding to the side. I was to concentrated on Ink's attack stance to comprehend what he had said. His hips swayed every time he slashed his paint brush, fuck this wasn't the time. I hadn't even realized in my daydreaming state that one of Ink's attacks was hurdling at me.


Ink's POV

   I was still startled at the fact one of my attacks had landed a hit. Guilt washed over me as I jogged over to the unconscious figure. I slightly poked Error, before flipping him over to see what damage had been done. He seemed to have just been knocked out on the impact, I glanced back over to the portal I had came through. I mean I could leave him here to wake up or I could bring him back to my AU. I sighed picking Error up, curse me for being a nice person. I walked through the the door to my house, locking the door behind me, almost dropping Error in the process. Once he was in my room and layed in bed I went to the kitchen to get him something to drink for when he was awoken. Once that was done I set the glass on the night stand next to the bed, along with some Advil(not sponsored) just in case he had a headache. I sighed looking at him sadly before walking out to the living room to watch TV or draw.

Error's POV

   I awoke with a start, panicking as I looked around. I was in a room nicely kept, the walls painted with lively colors. Where the hell am I? I questioned looking over at the nightstand, to see two lonely items. I popped an Advil into my mouth before washing it down with water. I slowly got off the bed, quietly creeping to the door. I opened the door a crack before peeking out. I walked out being as quiet as possible, peeking in the rooms as I went. I soon heard the sound of voices coming from a TV. I peeked around the corner to see a figure sprawled out on a couch. To my surprise it was Ink. I looked around spotting the door, I made a break for it but as soon as I stepped the floor boards under me creaked. Ink's head snapped back at me before giving me a warm smile. 

"Your awake." He said, moving so he was facing the back of the couch and looking over it at me. "I thought I may have hurt you so I brought you back here." He said looking at my confused face, I just nodded. An awkward silence fell between us, I scanned over the parts of Ink's body I could see taking in ever feature of his face.
"You can take a seat if you want, or you can lay back down in my room." He suggested, turning back around to look at the TV. I took the second option making my way back to his room. If he wasn't fighting me for once I was gonna make the most of it. I layed down thinking about what the hell had happened in the past hours of the day. So I was fighting Ink and admiring his body before I got hit by a bone hurdling my way, then he took me home for some reason. I sighed this was confusing, not that I was complaining that Ink was being nice but the fact he fought me, won ,and then took me to his home to take care of me. I jumped a bit at Ink walking into the room and waling over to one of his dressers. 

"I need pajamas." He mumbled pulling out rainbow pajama pants. He bent over to look through the bottom drawer. (here we go) I felt my shorts get tighter before quickly crossing my legs under the covers. He looked back at me noticing the sudden change. He looked at me questionably before glancing at my legs. He must have seen the slight blue glow under the covers, because he smirked swaying his hips slightly before standing up. 

"Fucking tease." I growled pulling Ink onto the bed with me. I grabbed his wrists pinning them above his head. He looked up at me with his eyes clouded over with lust. Our teeth met it was slow and passionate at first before it became a heated kiss. We parted leaving a string of saliva, which was broken as I moved down to his neck. As I sucked on his neck I tugged at his shirt before pulling it over his head. He let out short gasps and moans as I trailed kisses down his neck and ribs. I palmed him threw his shorts earning a louder moan out of him. His hands roamed to my shirt tugging at it weakly. I pulled back taking off my shirt and throwing it to the side. I leaned down trailing kisses lower until I reached the waistband of his shorts. I glanced up at him for permission getting a short nod in return. I yanked them off throwing them to where ever in the room. A tent had formed in his boxers, I smirked up at him. I licked him through his boxers, him groaning in response. I pulled his boxers down with my teeth, letting his member spring out. I licked the tip taking the head into my mouth. I swirled my tongue around it running over the slit every now and then. I started to bob my head taking in a little more ever time I went down, until I reached the base. He squirmed under me, letting out moans and pleas. His hands clutched desperately at the covers as he reached his end. 

"E-Error i'm g-gonna-" He cried out, releasing into my mouth. I swallowed what I could some dribbling down my chin. He panted above me, coming down from his high. I connected our teeth again, him tasting himself on my tongue. I pulled my shorts off throwing them with the rest of the clothes(Where the fuck are these clothes going) I rubbed his pelvis causing his magic to pool there, forming a hole. I lined myself up looking up at him.

"This is gonna hurt." I said quietly kissing him as I entered. He let out a muffled scream as tears streaked down his face. I kissed them away keeping still until he adjusted. 

"M-move" He said rocking his hips a bit. I pulled out before slamming back into him. He threw his head back moaning. I started thrusting faster as his hands found there way to my shoulders and his legs snaked around my waist. 

"H-HARDER!" He moaned out. I sped up my pace, while biting down on Ink's collar bone. We were both nearing our climax, as I became rougher and my thrusts became sloppier. 

"I'm c-close" He cried out, leaning up to clank our teeth together. He soon pulled back as he released on our ribs.

"ERROR!" He moaned out as he hit his orgasm. I released in him some of my cum leaking out. I collapsed next to him exhausted. He cuddled into my chest and we fell asleep like that.


This is all Liz's fault

  Ink slowly slid his paintbrush up Error's tight ass hole. Error groaned out as it was shoved in.


"FUCK YOU TOO (literally ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))

Ink shoved it deeper causing a black hole to open inside Error's anus and then everyone died. The end

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