Blueberry x MafiaTale! Sans

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Blueberry's POV

   Gunshots rang out, the air filled with a vile smell. The pain in my chest never failing to remind me of the hole that was meant to kill. I sobbed as I pressed my back against the cold brick wall sliding down it clutching my chest. I screamed for help hoping to god the person wouldn't come back to finish the job. My vision was swimming, I could no longer stand. My throat was going dry from my screaming. I heard rushed footsteps, shouts and then nothing.

MafiaTale! Sans POV

   I rounded the corner, looking for the source of the screams. I scanned the room catching a glance of light blue. I walked over to the lonely piece of cloth on the floor. Blood stained its edges. I examined the piece of cloth until realization hit me. Shit. I knew exactly who this belonged to. I stood up abruptly following a trail of blood to the next room. Soon seeing a lonely figure laying on its side by the wall. I ran over to it and picked Blue up bridle style, soon noticing the wound in his chest.

"Shit Blue hold on." I whispered running out of the building. I hopped into my car(Does he have a car, idk) setting Blue gently down in the seat next to me. I drove, speeding the whole way home. I parked, grabbing Blue out of the seat and rushing into the home. I set Blue down on the couch, my brother walked out of the kitchen, his smile fading when he saw Blue.

"WHAT HAPPENED." Papyrus said rushing over to Blue examining the bullet hole.

"I don't know I found him like this," I said panicking,"wheres the first aid kit?" I asked starting to head to the kitchen.

"IT'S UNDER THE SINK." Papyrus said as I went to get it.

Blueberry's POV

   I groaned as I blinked my eyes open. I tried to sit up putting a hand over my chest at the pain. I looked down at my chest seeing it bandaged up. I looked around, I was on a bed of some sort. It looked like my brothers room but different? Where was I? I heard the door creak open as I snapped my head in its direction, expecting the worse. I let out a sigh I didn't know I was holding when I saw it was just MafiaTale Sans. He smiled at me when he saw I was awake.

"How are you feeling?" He said setting food down on the night stand next to me.

"My chest still hurts, but other than that fine," I said smiling at him, "What happened?" I questioned as he propped me up setting the food on my lap.

"I heard you screaming in one of the abandoned houses on my way to my car. I went in to investigate and found you laying by the wall bleeding. Oh, and I washed this for you along with your clothes." He said handing me my clothes and my scarf(?). I hadn't even noticed he changed me until I looked down to see I was wearing an oversized dark purple shirt. I blushed at the thought of him changing me.

"Don't be embarrassed, we're both sanses," He said chuckling," now eat, you need to heal and get your energy back." He said motioning towards the plate. I ate my food, as we exchanged little talk . Once I was finished he took the plate and left to go clean it, I layed down my cheekbones  heating up again at the fact of him seeing me without clothes. The door opened a little bit later revealing MafiaTale sans.

"You need anything else?" He said leaning on the door frame. I nodded motioning with my finger for him to come over. He gave me a questioning look before walking over to the side of the bed. I pointed to the spot next to me and he still looked at it questioning what I was doing. I sighed and pointed again at the spot next to me he walked around the bed to the other side.

"What? Why won't you just tell me?" He growled getting frustrated. I giggled grabbing his hand and pulling him down on the bed with me. It was his turn to blush now as he looked at me, as I cuddled into his chest.

"Don't be embarrassed, we're both sanses." I said smirking hiding me face in his chest. I felt him shuffle and pull the blankets over us before wrapping his arms around me. I soon fell into a deep sleep with a smile across my face.

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