Underfell Fontcest

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   I trudged down the stairs, having them creak because of how old they were. My brother, Papyrus, was probably already awake and ate breakfast. He was probably waiting for me to hurry my ass up so he could hit me or insult me. I was extra slow today because I had a damn cold, but I couldn't tell Papyrus that or he'd be even more disappointed in me. So when ever I was around him, I'd act fine and conceal my coughs and sneezes. I walked into the kitchen, as expected seeing Papyrus sitting at the table an empty plate by his side.

"WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG YOU PEICE OF SHIT!" He yelled, causing me to wince a little. He got up throwing the plate on the ground.

" CLEAN IT UP DON'T JUST STAND THERE!" He yelled seeing me just stare at the pile.

" WHY ARE YOU JUST-" He was caught off when I ran to the bathroom and slammed the door. I flipped the toilet lid up and puked up my red magic.


   That little shit, thinks he can just lock himself in the bathroom and I won't be able to get him hm? We'll see about that. My thoughts were cut short, as I neared the bathroom. Puking sounds were audible through the closed the door. It took me a little off guard. When had Sans gotten sick? I never heard him cough or sneeze. Unless he was just faking to get out of cleaning up the plate. I opened the door slowly looking at  Sans, red magic dripping a little from his mouth, his hand clutching his stomach. I sighed and walked over to him. He looked at me with pleading eyes, repeating sorry as I walked closer. He looked so..... broken. What had I done to him. I walked over to him picking him up, which wasn't to hard seeing as he was short.

"Boss what are you doing." He stuttered out in shock of the fact I had picked him up instead of hurt him.

"Don't call me that, my names Papyrus, not boss." I said walking out of the bathroom and towards my room.

"Paps what are you doing." I blushed a little at the nickname he had already given me but shook it away quickly after.

"We're going to my room, your not going to your station in this condition." I said opening the door to my room. I walked over to the bed and layed him down on it. I started to walk out of the room being stopped by a voice.

"Where are you going?" It was Sans with a soft and quiet, quite shaken up voice.

"I'm gonna grab a trash can for you. I don't want you throwing up on my bed." I said, before walking out and down the stairs. I grabbed the trashcan from the kitchen before going back upstairs. I quietly opened the door to see two red eyes staring at me. I walked over to where Sans was laying and placed the trash can down, to where he can reach it. I walked over to the other side of the bed and layed down, wrapping my arms around Sans waist and pulling him close. He rolled over and snuggled into my chest. I heard a soft muffled voice say

" I love you."

" I know Sans, I know." I answered before pressing a kiss to the top of his skull and falling asleep.

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