Fresh x Error x Ink (Lemon)

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Warning fucking cringy as hell

I don't know what I was thinking


   Listening to the two bicker all day was starting to give me a headache. It was just back and forth insults.

"Will you two please be quiet." I said glaring at the two.

"This was your idea to get us together." Error snapped, looking over at me.

"The whole point of this was to get you two to get along." I snapped back.

"You know we hate each other." Fresh said glaring at Error and looking back at me. I groaned and put my head on the table.

"You two have to have something in common." I said looking back up at them. They were smiling?

"What." I said, looking at them in question. They said nothing getting up from the table having that dumb smile on their face. I got from the table backing away from the two idiots, until my back hit the wall of the anti void.(Is there even a wall in the anti void) They soon cornered me, my head looking back and forth at the two.

"W-what are you doing." I said shrinking under their gazes.

"Well we do have one thing in common." Error said grabbing my arm, Fresh taking hold of the other.

"W-what would that be?" I said gulping.

"You." They said together, teleporting me to a bedroom of some sort. I was pulled back into Fresh's lap.(Oh god flashbacks) A shiver went up my spine as I felt his breath on the back of my neck. I glanced back at Fresh, turning back around to look at Error who was making his way over. He pulled me into a kiss, I just sat there still so confused. I felt a tongue go up my collarbone causing me to moan. Error took the chance to slide his tongue into my mouth. I felt Fresh's hands tug at the bottom of my shirt. Error separated from the kiss, as Fresh took the chance to slide off my shirt. Error started rubbing my ribs while Fresh dragged his tongue up my spine. I mewed and let out breathy moans at the actions. I tugged at Error's shirt, reaching my hand around to tug at Fresh's shirt. They got the idea pulling their shirts over their heads. I stared at the blue soul hovering behind Error's ribs, glancing back to see Fresh's pink soul. I grabbed both of theirs starting to rub my fingers in a circular motion. Fresh's head rested on my shoulder, letting out pants. Error doing the same on my other shoulder. Their souls started dripping a bit, Error seemed to notice he was close because he licked my collarbone. I moaned letting go of their souls as they recovered a bit. Error pulled at my pants, tugging them off as Fresh licked up my spine. Error tugged of his shorts along with Fresh, leaving us in boxers. I tugged at Error's boxers, looking up at him. He nodded and I immediatley pulled them off staring at his member. I started rubbing his member as Fresh slid off my boxers along with his. I started licked Error's member while taking the tip into my mouth. I glanced back to see Fresh lining up at the entrance I had formed. I moaned as he slammed into me. Error let out a groan at the vibrations I sent up his member. Fresh sped up causing me to moan louder. Fresh leaned down starting to nibble and bite at my neck. I started to deep throat Error causing him to let out more groans. A know started to grow in the pit of my stomach, I was close. I soon released, feeling Fresh's member twitch inside of me and climax. Error soon following, as I swallowed his cum. I collapsed next to Fresh, Error soon joining on the other side of me. I soon drifted off to sleep as the two cuddled up to me.

Sorry it took so long

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