What He Wouldn't Be Doing If He Had The Money To Spare

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What He Wouldn't Be Doing If He Had The Money To Spare.

The people passed him by
As if he wasn't there,
didn't give a moment to glare
And had no change to spare.

He wasn't upset
About his lack of matter.

If he were all that the world cared for
He'd worry if he was getting fatter.
Not about the people
or the weather
or this simple feather.

It wouldn't make sense
to offer your bus seat
To the boy in a cast

To help that elderly woman
cross this busy street.

He wouldn't be having a chat
in the local soup kitchen
with all his fellows and friends.

If he had the money to spare
on material bling
Never would be fixing a kitchen sink
Going outside flinging wise advice to go passers.
Hoping it wouldn't rain tonight.

No he'd rather not forget himself in
the idea of green bills.
Would sooner starve to death than want to lose himself in misplacement.

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