There are such things as What Nows? (wizards)

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Percy's POV

Wise Girl and i were just chilling down on the beach (cough,making out,cough) when the Stolls ran over the sand dune and said;

"Chiron wants--

"You 2--

"At the--

"Big House."

Why do they have to always speak like that? It's so annoying!! (And kind of cool) but mostly annoying!! Anyway, we disentangled ourselves and went up to the Big House. In  there was the Great 7 and Callie and Thalia, Artemis let her go on this quest, and the Stolls were just running in behind us. Once they were here, the meeting started.

"As all of you know, mortals do not know we exist, they simply categorize us into fiction or mythology. But what you do not know is that we also categorize real things into fiction or mythology, for example.." He took a deep breath,"Wizards." This brought an uprising of confused screams and shouts until Chiron stomped his hoof against the wooden panelled floorboards and yelled; "SILENCE!!!!!!" That shut everybody up. "You will go undercover as American Exchange students from school Hecate of Witchcraft and Wizardry and will pose as students in 7th year. You will keep an eye on an especially troublesome student, Harry Potter and his friend Ronald Weasley."

"Wait, Weasley, as in Fred and George's brother?" That was the Stolls. Chiron smiled kindly and his eyes twinkled with hidden knowledge.

"You may find some other demigods there," he said. "Hecate has blessed you so that you can all do magic and all of the equipment will be in your cabins when you go back but you best get packing so goodbye Young Heroes." And with that we all scurried out, buzzing with excitement.


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