The Flashback

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Harry's POV

I don't know what just happened but Hermione, Luna, Draco and the Weasley twins are gone. Professer McGonagoll (spellcheck??) told the prefects to lead us to our dorms and i walked with Ron upstairs.

"That Annabeth girl is hot!" says Ron as we walked up the stairs.

"Yeah, kind of but I don't want her, you can have her." I replied and his eyes brightened lots.

"But you gotta get her off of that suspicious Percy fellow." I said and then I had a thought about him that made me laugh extremely hard.

"What?" Ron looked seriously offended, 

"It's just that she is probably only dating him because he looks like me." I said and then  Ron started laughing too and then we were both just laughing so hard all the way up the stairs to the Fat Lady Portrait, where we waited for the prefect's to say the password.

 When Fred apparated in front of us and said "filii deorum"(A/N Translate to english from latin and comment what you find) while quite obviously trying(and failing) to hold in a laugh. And then he just apparated to... Elsewhere i guess. And the Fat Lady swang open, not even looking surprised that he just apparated inside the halls of Hogwarts. So I stepped inside the common room first and had a millisecond to register that there was one more door than usual before  slime came down on my head.

Percy's POV

After the sorting hat screamed about tartarus I could feel my conscience slipping away, into another flash back.

I was in tartarus again but watching as though i was an angel, flying up above the scene that layed out before me. Annabeth was struggling through the arai, blind and unfound, believing that i had let her go. The curse of Calypso. I am going to get her for that. I watched as i swept through the crowds of arai, but this time instead of me getting all of the curses Annabeth slowed every time and i couldn't stop myself as i layed more curses onto Annabeth. I screamed and cried and clawed at the invisible barrier blocking me from saving her as she slowly died. And it was all my fault.

I woke up in an unfamiliar place, sea green walls with a grayish-silver wave pattern in the middle. The first thing I noticed was the weight that was on my right arm. I look over and see a heart monitor machine and Annabeth was sitting beside it, well, let me rephrase that, she was throwing a tantrum. She had red, puffy eyes and was screaming with Thalia trying to hold her back. The rest of the demigods all had red puffy eyes as well and the colour was dimmed, like someone had died and I was racking my brain frantically for who it could have been when Hazel seemed to notice I was awake and her eyes widenned as she nudged Frank and motioned to my confused face, he nudged Jason and soon they all had wide eyes and were looking at me and that's when Annabeth stopped.When she looked at me i thought i was going to die, her normally beautiful grey eyes were shattered and she was still sobbing but as soon as she saw me she lept up, as Thalia wasn't holding her back any more and she was sobbing into my shirt. And then she punched me in the nose. Owwwwww!!

"You were dead for 3 days Seaweed Brain!" she says, hugging my chest.

"What do you mean, it was just a flashback?" I said, exttremely worried because she was never wrong, and then every one else came forward, shaking their head. My jaw tightened as i saw Calypso with them.

"The heart monitor stopped beating 2 days in." says Calypso but i ignored her. She cursed Annabeth and I was never going to forgive her. She had disrespected my trust. 

Soon I realised that i was glaring at her, she was cowering and everybody else looked worried about me like i had gone insane, but i didn't care. The Weasley twins were the first to break the silence. "We better let the wizard's into the common room" they said with devious smiles and with a quick crack! they were gone before Piper had the chance to reason with them.


Annabeth's POV

The dorms were amazing, Percy and i got to share a bed because of nightmares and the room was a beautiful silvery-grey with sea green owls running through the middle but i was a bit nervous Percy was acting weird ever since he woke up. Every time he saw Calypso, he glared and dam, it's a scary glare, so she looks away and i swear i see her mutter an "I'm sorry" with tears running down her cheeks and every time he sees me tears well up in his eyes and he hugs me so tight. We got ready for bed and hopped in but before we went to slep, i had to confront him.

"Why do you keep glaring at Calypso?'

He looked up at me and i saw something register in his eyes, a memory and his jaw tightened.

"I-I I tried to forget about i-it and for-forgive her b-but th-the flashback, it made me remember," He took a deep breath, "D-down there," I knew what he was talking about though either of us had not said the name since we were down there, "with the arai, sh-sh-she cursed you because I didn't stay with her on the island, shecursed you Annabeth, she is a monster, she deserves to go back to Ogygia, she earnt my trust as jut a good titans but she isn't as good as Zoe or Bob, Annabeth, she's a monster!" I sat there in shock, all this time i thought that Pery was just mad at Calypso for something small but, she cursed me. I couldn't believe it! She had gained my trust and then she had cursed me. I went to sleep cuddled up with Percy knowing that Calypso was going to pay and everyone except poor lovesick Leo was going to help.

(Hey guys, i have a completely random question; WHAT DID U LEARN FROM HARRY POTTER?? i managed 2 come up with a pretty funny answer but i wanna hear yous so comment all of your answers.)

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