Revenge +Classes=Oh dear me, what did i do?

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(Oh my God! I forgot to put the disclaimer! Rick and Joanne own these fantastic characters! I widh i did but i dont so yeah but I only own the plot and some of the attitudes. BTW If you like Calypso or Caleo then u should stop reading this book right now.)

Calypso's POV

Oh boo hoo, so i cursed Miss Anniebell in hell, whatever. You should try being cursed to always live on an island with insanely hot boys coming and going but believe me Percabeth will not last much longer, it will become Perlypso (That was the weirdest thing ever to write, Percabeth all the way!).  Ohh, and to add to my plan I've heard that that Weasel kid likes Annabeth, I'm sure they will get together after i get Percy.

Annabeth's POV

The plan was going great, we all got together last night, everyone except for Leo and Calypso, including Fred, George, Hermione, Draco and Luna. Everything was set and Calypso didn't have a clue because everyone was acting normal except for Percy who literally is glowing with hatred whenever he is in the same room as Calypso, which is a bit of a worry seeing as classes start tomorrow.


The next day

Ron's POV

That Annabeth girl is so hot. I think she'll like me when she realises that I'm the chosen one's best friend and she will realize this today in DADA which we happen to have second period. BOOM!! My plan will go into action.

I wonder who the new DADA teacher is. I can't wait to find out, they will probably favouritise me and Harry and Hermione because we are the golden trio but anyway time for breakfast, oh look they have sausages and eggs. But at least 5 of everything seems to be... BLUE!! (LOL you dam idiot, it is for Percy!!) but i continued to stuff my face anyway. I looked around and saw that Thalia, Percy, Fred and George were having an eating contest but the strange thing was- Percy would only eat the blue food, like WHAAAAAAAAT?

Proffessor Mcgonagoll comes round to all of Gryffindor table and hands out timetables. As soon as Percy gets hers he starts to grin and it slowly gets bigger until he is laughing with joy and Annabeth is looking disapprovingly in his direction and shaking her head. He whispers something in a strange language and all of a sudden all of the exchange students are laughing except Annabeth who is still shaking her head and Hazel who looks slightly confused.

Oh My Gosh! Annabeth is shaking her head! Does that mean that she doesn't like Percy and the new Exchange Students? Have my prayers been answered? Will I get Annabeth? Well, who am I kidding, of course I will get Annabeth.

I read over my timetable and groan. almost every second class is with the Slytherins! Goddammit Malfoy!

Hermione's Pov

After we all have our timetables (ours in greek of course) I see Percy almost crying with joy. I wonder why? Annabeth asks him if he's ok and he replies with;

"Heck yeah I'm ok, we don't have to do English or Maths anymore!!" and we all start to laugh at his remark except for Hazel and Annabeth. I hear Ronald groan and roll my eyes but look at my schedule anyway and what I see fills me with pure delight! Almost every second class is with the Slytherins! Draco and I will finally get to have a reason to be near each other other than him fake taunting me, Harry and Ronald.

Speaking of which, I look over and see that Ron has a big grin on his face and realise that Annabeth was just shaking her head at Percy. I elbow Annabeth and she turns to look at him with a disguisted scowl. She opens the telepathy link between us and says; 'He's such a prat, thinking that just because he's Harry Potter's best friend that means that he can get any girl he wants!' and so I reply with 'It's pathetic isn't it! Stupid mortal!' We both humph and turn to go to our first lesson of the day- potions with Sev and the Slytherins. Percy has an evil grin on his face as Annabeth opens a mental conversation with all of us demigods; ' Today is the perfect day to put phase one into action.'

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