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 I got tagged by MissMonstarz, one of my extremely good friends to do the 13 things about me tag.


1. You must post all of the rules

2.Tag 13 others to do this

3. State 13 random facts about yourself

4. Complete within 5 weeks

5. Give the chapter a random name


1. I am in year 7 at school

2. I have a pet dog

3. His name is Charlie

4. I don't actually know which one of my friends is MissMonstarz so I would like you to tell me who u are

5. I can't touch-type so writing on wattpad kills me

6. I wouldn't give up wattpad for almost anything

7. I am an Australian cheerleader

8. My name is Natalia but I usually shorten it to Thalia

9. Cheesy, I know

10. My favourite animal is a puppy or a dingo or a koala

11. I love a stuffed animal called Teeth that i don't own

12. I love a stuffed animal called Murple that is owned by the same person as Teeth

13. Teeth is a crocodile and Murple is a hippo











I don't actually have 13 people to tag so... whatever. And that's the tag. Until next time BYE!!

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