Drama Class with Minnie

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Annabeth's PoV

I storm out of the classroom and hold it together until I get a classroom away. I burst out laughing. The guys are talking inside my head about how dam funny this is. Ron and Calypso are smirking and all of the demigods are trying to hold in a laugh.

"Sev looks confused"

"of course he does kelp head, we didn't tell him"

"Should we tell him?"

"Of course we tell him!" mental slap

"Ow Thalia!"

"Guys shut up"

"I can't take it anymore!!"


And that is when Thalia, practically sizzling ran around the corner laughing.

My head started pounding with the cries of "THALIA!" and "PINE-CONE FACE YOU'RE GONNA BLOW OUR COVER!" and then "SHUT UP EVERYONE PEOPLE ARE LOOKING AT US FUNNY!" and that is when I decided to let Sevvy in on the chat.

I could sense his shock and so could everyone else so Thalia and I burst out laughing again. This is gonna be hard.

Sev was so confused that he stopped teaching for a second. I could tell because there was blankness where his voice should have been in the background of our mental chat before he continued while trying to keep a straight face. We all stopped laughing eventually and thought about phase 2 of the plan. I closed the link between us and thought about what me and Percy need to do. It is going to be hard.

(Is there a bell at Hogwarts? How do they know when to change classes??) 

Soon, everyone started to come out of their classes and we checked our schedules. Transfiguration with Minnie! Oh, this will be fun. I wonder what she will think of our acting skills.


"So," starts Minnie, "today we are going to learn how to transfigure a pen into a sword." There are several shouts of;


Minnie shuts everyone up. She explains what a pen is and I see Percy trying to keep in laughter. A pen and a sword. Really Minnie?

" Are you Sirius?" I asked. Harry Potter winces but I hold in a chuckle because as much as they think that Sirius Black and Remus Lupin are dead, spells don't harm demigods and they were blessed by Athena and Ares during the Battle. There is no way they would have died.

They are just hanging out at camp with their friends. Oh, and Nymphadora Tonks, daughter of Iris is with them.

I hear Harry sniff and stifle a chuckle. Stupid mortals.

She teaches us the incantation and then puts us in groups of 3. I'm with the Stolls. Great. I glare at Minnie and stick my tongue out. Gods, I hate her sometimes. She turns around and looks at me and says, in Ancient Greek;

"Love you too." which causes all of the  other demigods to crack up laughing.

I open a link between me and Minnie who has the gift too but rarely ever uses it. 

"Watch this" and start to laugh harshly in Percy's direction. She frowns but says nothing. I point and laugh harder. Percy sighs. I feel bad for this but keep going. I laugh without humour. I laugh a cold, terrible laugh, while taunting Percy.

He runs out of the room and most of the demigods feign concern but Leo is frowning at me and starts running out of the classroom. Schist.

I open the link between me and Percy.

"Percy. It is urgent. You need to seriously act hurt because Leo is gonna find you." I say urgently. What if Leo finds Percy laughing? Our whole plan could fail now. What if Leo finds out?

Minnie opens a link between everyone and I quickly open a link between me and Minnie that is private before saying;

"Not Leo or Calypso"

And then closing it. The conversation is definitely one to remember.

"Ok, whats going on here? You guys are horrible at acting??!!!"

"Oh hush Minnie, nobody knows us like you do, so no one will notice!" Good point Thalia.

"Percy stop laughing!" I say.

"Its just that Pinecone Face is being logical, what the hades?"

"Percy, don't use dads name as a swear!"

"Sorry Nico"

(If anyone gets confused whose talking, comment or message me and all of this is mental talking not real talking.)

"Oh shush everyone" Trust Minnie to make it serious in an authorising tone.

"Annabeth, stop slouching honey. You look guilty." I do as I'm told.

"Percy, keep the volume down. Leo is coming back in looking at Annabeth strangely.

Thalia, stop looking at me like that. Does Leo know you have the gift Annabeth?"


"Well, if you keep looking at each other then he is bound to suspect something." We all go back to doing our work. The spells come easy to us demigods because we were blessed by Hecate and cannot be harmed by them, though potions have an effect on us.

I hear Thalia mutter under her breath; "Since when did Minnie become a drama teacher?" I crack a smile and Piper chuckles lightly. Leo looks a bit confused, as does Calypso, but we just look sideways at each other and grin.

Calypso's PoV

Poor Percy. That Annabel keeps abusing him verbally and sends him out of the classroom. Oh my poor baby. I would go after him but that would look suspicious to Leo, that dope. He is so oblivious to everything and he is such a scrawny, skinny kid, and I hate him. He is also really clingy and has no respect for my goddessness. I'm obviously above that peasant.

I'm sure Percy will respect me and cherish me like the queen I am. He will when he is mine. I have it all planned out and with him and Annie on the verge of breaking up, that just speeds my plan up and makes it so much easier.

Oh look, the love of my life has just walked in. I wave him over and he sits next to me on the opposite side that Leo's on. I can''t flirt with him while Leo's here, dangit. That's when Annab**** loses her mind. I thought she was supposed to be a daughter of Athena. She never really was good at it anyway. I'm way smarter than her.

"Percy, that is it! The time has finally come, I can finally say that WE ARE OVER!Understand me?OVER! You just SUCK at everything and I HATE you!!"

Yes. This is perfect. I hug Percy as he hangs his head and make sure to be gentle and nice like he thinks I am, while Leo sits on my other side just thinking I am hugging as a friend. Haha, the idiot. I'll be done with him soon.


3rd Person PoV

The rooms in the demigod dorms have changed. There are now 2 separate rooms for Percy and Annabeth though they have a secret door leading between them. The gods have changed it because they know what they  are doing. Why don't they just curse Calypso? Well, to be perfectly honest- they find it entertaining.


(Sorry, it took me so long to update and sorry if it is a disappointment but it's the best I can do right now. Thx my lovely readers!!)

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