Chapter 6

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Scarlett's POV

"Scarlet I kinda need to tell you something, something very important."

I wiped my tears away then said "G-Go ahead."

"Do you want to hear the life changing one first or the bad one?"

"The life changing one."

"We're getting married."

"WHAT? I must not be hearing you right it sounded like you said we where getting married," hahahahha "My hearing sucks."

"You heard me, we're getting married. Now for the bad news" he exhales "Yourparentsgaveyoutomesoiownyou."

"Repeat that but slower this time."

"Your parents gave you to me so I own you."

"W-What?" I started braking down, I'm such a horrible daughter, I wasn't there for them. Tears pored out of my eyes. I started looking for something sharp, finally I found a little mirror I broke it and picked up the glass, I was about to put it on my skin when suddenly strong arms rapped around my chest, restraining me from myself.

"Calm down Scarlet, everything is going to be ok."

"LET GO OF ME!" I screamed.

"Calm down." He whispered into my ear trying to calm me down and he was actually succeeding.

"This is all my fault." More tears came rushing out like a river and then quiet sobs.

Adam turned me around and pulled me into his chest. He petted my hair and kept repeating
"Shh everything is going to be ok." But I knew that he was just saying that, I would probably rip myself apart over this and end up dead or in a mental hospital.

-------------Adams POV---------------------------

All I could do was hold her and try to tell her that everything was going to be ok.

Anyways, after about 10 minutes of her crying and repeating "Its all my fault." And "How could I be such a bad daughter?" She calmed down. Shockingly she was extremely tiered even though she had been asleep for a good portion of the day. I told her to get some rest, she headed up to our room and fell asleep. Before I let her into our room I made sure one of my guys checked every single inch of the room for sharp items that she could use to hurt herself with.

I went to my office and started thinking about why I have to marry her.

I have to go to a business meeting with my dad about the gang.  I'm currently sitting outside his office waiting for him to get done with some paper work that apparently is more important than his son.

After a few more minutes the door opened, and there was my father the man who cared more about his business than his family. He was always gone when I was a child, or in his office, or having some sort of "important person from work" come over.

"What did you want to talk about?" My voice was leased with anger. I really hate being around him.

"Sit, this is important if you ever want to actually own the gang." I sat in the chair that's in front of his fest while he sits in the chair on the other side of his desk.

"What do I have to do to own the gang?!?" I said with excitement and anger.

"Son" he sighs and then continued " In order for me to fully give you the gang you have to marry someone, it's a tradition in this family, I did it my father did it his father did it."

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