Chapter 7

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Scarlet's POV

I woke up in a warm and comforting bed. Then everything that happened came back into my mind. I really am a bad daughter.

I can't believe I let Adam see me like that! No one has ever seen me in that state. Last time it was THAT bad I ended up in the mental place of a hospital for a week, before they said i was no longer a danger t myself hahaha look how wrong they were, it wasn't even a day after getting out of that place I "broke" again, it wasn't that bad but let's just say I had gotten five more scars that day.

Anyways I'm in our bed, and I'm still in a hospital gowned. So I went to the closet and saw that all of my cloths were in there, that's odd. I ended up wearing my favorite black shirt that says "on Wednesday we wear black", with some cute black pants, a chocker, and some black shoes. I did my normal makeup which is black eye shadow, with mascara, foundation for my pale skin, and I applied red lipstick. Then I straightened my curly black hair and looked in the mirror. I'm still... Ugly, fat, terrible, and most of all I still hate myself.

I left the bathroom and decided to look around the house. I kinda really need to be around someone or else I might break again.

When I left the room I was in a beautiful hallway with cream colored walls and in every corner there where these little tables with roses on them.

After wandering around for what felt like forever, I realized that I had no fucking clue were I was. I know that it might seem a bit silly that I got lost in a house, but hear me out its a BIG house! I gave up, but then I was my ticket to find my way around, the blond boy, I think his name is Zack.

"Hey little lady, you look lost." He said with a chuckle.

"I am, is it possible that I can talk to Adam? Oh and don't EVER call me that again!" I HATE it when people call me little or small or short, it makes me sooooo mad.

"Sheesh ok ok I get it you don't like that nick name. But if you follow me I can take you to Adam. I know you love him."He was lucky that I didn't feel like picking a fight or I would have slapped him.

"Just take me to Adam." I grumbled in and I think he could tell that if he pushed me anymore he would end up with a bruise. He started walking to what I assumed was the place that Adam was, so I followed.

"Here we are little lady." He said with a smirk on his face. Guess what I did next, I slapped him, in the face, and said "Don't EVER fucking call me that again, or I swear I'll break you're arm." I was beyond mad.

"You're pretty strong for a girl your size." He said while holding his face, I could already see the bruise forming.

Moving on, I knocked on the and heard "Come in." Adam seemed angry about something. I opened the door, which reviled a very frustrated looking Adam sitting at a desk with papers scattered around him. Honestly it was a funny sight, seeing a gang leader with papers all around him.

"We need to talk."

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