Name: "Why do ya care? Remus Ichihara."
Age: "You always ask this type of shit? 28."
Height: "6'6.. Heh you wanna know some other inches I got?~"
Gender: "You're kinda annoying.. Male."
Sexuality: "Everybody?? Heh.."
Parents: "Meriwether Ichihara..."
Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. Personality: Remus is a very stubborn guy. The kind to, quite literally, punch first and ask questions later. He doesn't take on to people to easily usually settled into teasing and taunting them first. Unlike his eldest brother, Tohma, he never moved away from the rebel lifestyle; he plays by his own rules working as a mafia boss and doesn't apologize for any of it. While he is a bit rough around the edges he does have a soft side for his niece, Maiko and deep down even his siblings though he always will deny it.